Well-known member
(I doubt dinosaurs with lasers exist in Canada)
You obviously haven't been to Canada, Sir.
Take for instance this realistic picture I have taken with my very own camera to show you the proof:

Crown snipe, affirmative.
(I doubt dinosaurs with lasers exist in Canada)
I don't know why you always make me laugh so bad with the silliest pics XDD
You think you are.
But, that crown is just plastic and that circle is painted with SPRAY PAINT.
The real thing, is on my head.
That's just a picture of the actual crown.
We can all see the ductape on your forehead.
Perhaps it's because you can't see properly from up there Puma.
Still very much winning. Aw yeah~
That's a good thing.
But you know what they say about all good things, right?
I still got the crown. None of you are going to stop me!
Uselessness is the key to victory? Things are looking up for me*wins*