Last One To Respond Wins!


Well-known member
(I doubt dinosaurs with lasers exist in Canada)

You obviously haven't been to Canada, Sir. :cool:
Take for instance this realistic picture I have taken with my very own camera to show you the proof:

Crown snipe, affirmative.


Well-known member
Thelema's busy looking at David Bowies bulge ... o_O
Mr. Jones is busy laughing ::p:

So, this is my chance to run by and snipe that crown from all of y'all ...
Oh yeah, party at the winners circle.


Well-known member
You think you are.
But, that crown is just plastic and that circle is painted with SPRAY PAINT.

The real thing, is on my head.
I still got the crown. None of you are going to stop me!

It's funny you should say that, considering I pulled a grand heist and stole your crown. If you look closely, you'll see that yours is made out of cardboard.

Eh, I mean.. lovely day we're having. :eek: *whistles*


Well-known member
Fun fact: the famous "Hasta la vista, baby" is changed in the Spanish version of the movie, in which he says "Sayonara, baby" instead.

And with this completely useless lesson, I win.