Last One To Respond Wins!


not actually Fiona Apple
In the future I introduced you to Fiona Apple and you gave me the last comment.

You're welcome.

This message was posted with iPhone 90

If you introduce me to her in the future, then you must be...FROM THE PAST. Unless you came from the future, traveled to the past, and then went back to the future, but not all the way back. Or...I'm in the past? Let me do some calculations to figure this out.

*Breaks out calculator*

Hmm, yes, yes, based on this the only logical conclusion is - I win :D


Well-known member

Hmm according to this book, I am the chosen one.. Therefore no matter what you all try, ultimately I will win :perfect:


not actually Fiona Apple

Hmm according to this book, I am the chosen one.. Therefore no matter what you all try, ultimately I will win :perfect:

Hmm, let me see that book *Grabs sharpie.*

I dunno, it appears to say *I'm* the chosen one. Guess I win :idontknow: ::p:
:bat: Say My Name!
