Well-known member
Free Willy 3. Circa 1995.
^ Haha, I understand what you mean."The Fog" (2005)
I watched it a long time ago.
My favourite part was when the screen became pitch black and white letters popped up reading: "The End".
I cried tears of happiness...because it was finally over. It was that bad.
I always feel like I could cry in LOTR - when Boromir dies, and when Frodo Gandalf and Bilbo leave with the elves on a boat right at the end...
I cry with most movies I watch. From Pixar movies to old western movies... Just about anything. But the last movie I watched, I DIDN'T WANT TO WATCH because I read the book... And I already knew. But my sister made me, and it was The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas.
I cried. I hate crying in front of people, so it was especially hard. But that movie, like the book... Was a total downer.