Just in time or late?


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Just read one of the threads here ( http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/whats-the-best-way-to-communicate-without-being-a-nag-39339/ ) and it made me curious.
When it comes to meeting with somebody do you guys arrive just in time?Or earlier?Or are you always late?
Also do you hate those friends of yours that are always late?

Most of the time I arrive earlier or just in time and in the very few occasions when I'm late I make sure I call the person that I'm meeting to tell him/her that I'm going to be late.Also I hate when somebody is always late for example my gym buddy was always late ,one time I was stuck in a traffic jam and I was thinking this time I will be the one who is late but no I was still the one who had to wait:mad:.


Well-known member
I try to arrive on time. If someone wants me to be somewhere at 2pm, I try to arrive at 1:50pm. If I'm thinking I'll be late, I'll always text ahead.

I had one friend who was chronically late. I would tell him to be somewhere and he wouldn't show. I once told him to get out of bed because I'll be there in an hour, thinking it'd give him time to get up and get ready, but he was still in bed and I had to wait. I always had to wait for him and I got fed up with it.

Most people I know are pretty punctual.


Of course try to arrive on time, common sense. I understand when people come late if they couldn´t make it for some reason, but don´t understand coming late on purpose.. why make things more complicated than they are. I myself can´t always make it on time and have understanding for people who sometimes can´t make it too if it´s not out of sheer neglect, like people who don´t care and come always late. That makes me feel disrespected, as if they were trying to put the message across that I am not worth bothering.


Well-known member
I am terrible at time keeping and no mater how quickly I get ready I always manage to be more than 10 minutes late, it's a bad habit I have gotten into but I do call/text the person to tell them I will be late but really I don't have to anymore becuase they just assume I will be late anyway:)


Well-known member
Lol that's comical about the traffic jam..
I usually am late haha even though I make a special effort to get ready like 3 hours earlier,


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I'm ALWAYS early, never been late in my life. If I have to be somewhere by 2pm, I'll make sure I'm there at 1:45. If it's a 10 minute drive, I leave at 1:25 JUST in case.

I always get stressed out when it comes to time, I get terrible migraines from worrying over times/places.
I always try to be on time, but I'm always late. Sometimes as much as 15 to 45 minutes. I bothers me a lot, actually.

Just can't get out of the door when it's something I don't want to do.


Well-known member
I'm always on time. I get so stressed if I'm even a minute late. I can't cause other people any pain, so I make sure I'm not inconsiderate of their time - even by a second.

A couple days ago my cousin and his family from out the country came to visit us and they were 4 hours late. No apology, no nothing. Didn't even bother to let us know they were late. I had to call him 3.5 hours after he was suppose to be there and ask him where he was...and he just says something like 'I'm running a little late'...a little? haha. The entire day was wasted just anxiously waiting for them and they had no idea. I honestly just do not understand how people can do that??
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Ugh, I have an entire branch of the family that's like that. They pretty much don't do plans so much as they announce intent (and whether they'll follow through is another matter entirely). Needless to say on the rare occasion there is a plan, they're never on time.

I personally try to arrive precisely when I mean to. Generally this involves being early because I always over-budget for possible delays.


Well-known member
Heh, that was more in direct response to Cosmosis's cousin story, but yeah, they're pretty much always late, too.


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If I've promised to meet someone at a certain time I try my best to arrive on the time but if its something like a gathering I take my time and usually a bit late. My friends are always late as well so it doesn't bother anyone. I used to be super punctual earlier, I don't know what happened to me.


Well-known member
Well it depends on the situation.
From what I have stumbled across in my findings: coming early to job interviews is just as worse as going late. On time to those.
Friends, since the count is nearly at 0, ones I am close to I will arrive with no bearing to whether or not I'm late. Half the time I'll go early just to see them. Ones I hardly know I try to show up a bit late because they always are.
But to events I go early like the movies per say.


Well-known member
Im always early,infact im probably always too early. Like right now im going to the movies which starts at 9:15 and im leaving right now at 8:30::eek::

The Lost

Well-known member
I'm always early. If I intend to be somewhere at a certain time, I'm there. Traffic delays are the only complication - so I leave earlier the next time. I like to arrive at places 10-15 mins early, giving me time to psyche up.


Well-known member
When I was younger, I'd always leave things to the last minute. And you know, I think that was because I was scared of them. I'd try to deny their existence until that denial became impossible.

Plus I was afraid of waiting. Afraid of waiting in public on my own, because I thought I'd look like a loser. Afraid of waiting full stop, because I'd have time to dwell in my anxiety. I don't know why I thought that my anxiety would be any greater in waiting rooms or cafes than down the bottom of my bed.

I've mellowed with age. I've become more patient and more accepting of myself and am now much better able to manage my time. Maybe it's because I mostly avoid anything potentially stressful. I hope it's more than that.

I don't have any friends who are always late. But then I don't have many friends.


Well-known member
I'm usually late because I don't like waiting around and having people stare at me.
If I'm waiting in private-- that's a different story; but waiting rooms or public places... do not want.
Being late for a family function or a 'party' usually means I can slip in without anyone really making a fuss about my arrival. I much prefer that over attracting attention and having people gawk at me and try to make small talk while I have nothing to talk about and would rather not say anything about myself.

I don't have any friends-- but if I did and they were late for hanging out or whatever, I doubt I'd care.
I can sit still and stare at a wall for hours without being bothered.
There's alot going on in my head. I can keep busy so long as I'm not the center of attention.
My ex was always late for everything.
I'd wait outside in the cold for hours sometimes- or wait by the door for him to be finished 'getting ready' to go out.
What took me 10 minutes to do, usually took him 40.
I never made a fuss. What's 40 minutes when you have a whole night to get where you're going?