Journey of Jazz


Well-known member
I'm so glad you're back and hope you're feeling better.
From what I read earlier you were way too hard on yourself, I hope that changes. You're beautiful and have a wonderful mind. Life will get better :)


Well-known member
I'm so glad you're back and hope you're feeling better.
From what I read earlier you were way too hard on yourself, I hope that changes. You're beautiful and have a wonderful mind. Life will get better :)

Yeah, I am very, very hard on myself most of the time. I can get really low. I'm feeling decent though. Thank you TreeBones :).


Well-known member
I woke up pretty late, at about 11:30 a.m. There have been days where I wake up at about 3 p.m. though, so I guess 11:30 a.m. shouldn't really be considered as late by me. I'll probably go walk on the trail near my house later today. Its usually pretty deserted. There is a park along the trail too, and I like to go get on the swings if nobody is there.


Well-known member
Swings are real fun. I always liked going on the swings. :p

Thanks. It sounds like it went well.

Yeah, I liked seeing how high I could go on the swings when I was younger. Or sometimes when my sister went with me to the park she'd push me while I was swinging.

That's good. When are you going to see her baby?


Well-known member
It was storming here earlier, again. I let my dog into the house and he did that thing dogs do where they shake out their bodies, and ended up getting water all over me, yuck.

I was reading a story someone posted on the website reddit about how there was a specific moment when they knew that they were in love with their partner. I've always wondered if that's what it will be like. Is there really some kind of moment where you look at someone and something clicks in your mind and you just know? Some people commented on the story saying that they couldn't pinpoint an exact moment that they knew they were in love, they just gradually came to realize that they were. I guess it depends on the individual person. Like I've mentioned before though, the idea of love is scary to me. Being completely vulnerable in that way. I don't know if it will ever happen for me, and sometimes it seems like it never will, but I think it would be a great thing to experience, even if the experience has bumpy parts along the way. I know it wouldn't be all clear skies and lollipops all of the time, but I'd be willing to put in the effort to try to work through the rough patches if a guy ever does love me and want to be with me.

I'm watching Shrek 2 on tv right now. I think I'll always like the original Shrek the most, but the sequel isn't that bad.


Well-known member
My mom has always wanted white doors in our house. We live in a small, old fashioned house that has brown doors and a coral colored carpet. She painted one of the doors in her bathroom white to try to test out how it would look. I guess it turned out alright, but I don't see much of an issue with our brown doors. I've lived in this house since I was about 5 or 6 though, so I guess it'll just be weird to see a change like that.

We tried to move out a couple of months ago, but we weren't able to in the end. Even if we did move, we were just going to move to a house in the same city. I sometimes wish we could move back to Germany. It was so beautiful.


Well-known member
This is what I want right now:


Mmm, give it all to me. The entire tray. I wouldn't be able to eat them all tonight though, of course.


Well-known member
It's been a David Bowie night for me. I've been listening to a lot of his songs and singing along with them. I've always had this wish that I could sing with him someday. I think it'd be fun. Although not if it happened on a stage of course. I was in choir for a long time, but the thought of singing alone on a stage in front of a large crowd of people, or even singing with someone as a duet, seems like it would be nearly impossible for me to do. I'd have horrible stage fright.

Ziggy Stardust David Bowie - YouTube

David Bowie Lady Grinning Soul - YouTube


Well-known member
I've been watching the Falling Skies marathon on TNT. My dad introduced me to the show and got me hooked on it around the time it first came out. I'm ready for the new season, starting next month.


Well-known member
Aw, the rain has stopped here. I love the rain, so I'm a bit bummed out about it. I can already see the sun coming out. Hopefully it won't get too hot here.

I've heard that there are people who like foot massages, but I'd rather have a calf massage right now. Maybe a thigh massage too. Whenever I work out, my calves and thighs always get extremely sore.


Well-known member
I'm getting a horrible headache. It feels like someone keeps banging me hard on the head. I should probably take an aspirin then try to go to sleep. Goodnight diary.