I've stopped caring about my appearance.


Well-known member
I just don't feel that it's worth it, why waste time when nothing will amount from it? I'm unemployed, don't go to school, have zero friends, and stay locked in my apartment all day, why should I care? Why? I'm ugly to begin with, why not accentuate my ugliness with my long, matted hippie hair and gross neckbeard?

**** life, it's all a joke. ::(:


I feel like that a lot too.....I never do my hair...rarely shave.....I just dont care like I used to since I never go anywhere other than like 7-11 or Safeway :(


i have a bath and brush my teeth once a day. i only shave when it starts to itch. i wear whatever is clean.
i dont work either, i get benefit money from the government (uk)


Active member
I find that showering, brushing my teeth and hair and putting on clean clothes every day makes me feel better. I have no one to impress since I work from home, but its not about other people, I do it for me.

Dont let yourself go because you think you dont deserve to feel presentable. If it makes you feel good to shave for yourself, then do it. You matter.


Well-known member
When i'm really depressed i find it hard to care about what i look like, i'm lucky if i get out of bed let alone go to the bathroom to clean, i hope this is just a phase for you OP we all have times where we think it's not worth trying, but by just having a shower can make you feel so much better!
There are certain things I've never liked about myself. When I was younger I always thought the universe was picking on me, because I had this combination of bad luck. Now I don't care, I'm nearly halfway to 60 - when I consider myself to be truly dead. I'll just stumble on living, until I finally fall down.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
All from a lack of hope I suppose yes? You must certainly have some sort of support, some sort of reason to keep yourself presentable. If not for anyone around you in life, then at least for those who care here. It is truly painful to see so many lose themselves to despair like this.


Well-known member
I feel I really have nothing positive in life and nothing to really look forward to but I don't care, I'm still taking care of myself lately even with my long hippie hair too. Girls seem to like it lol. When I dress in sweatpants and a white tee I don't get any attention when I shave and throw on some clean shoes and jeans and nice shirt then usually I get some smiles but somedays I could careless about all that.


Well-known member
For a while now, I've been not caring how I look. Ever since the weather's gotten worse, I haven't even bothered to comb my hair when I go to the grocery store, or put on decent clothes. I just keep my hat on & my coat zipped so no one will see how badly I look. I know it's bad, but I've just been feeling like crap & like there's no reason to look nice when I'm just walking down the street. I've never thought I was ugly & still don't so that's not the problem, it's just the depression I've been in ever since my mom started getting sicker & sicker months ago. Now I look like crap all the time & I don't even bother to look presentable 99% of the time.


Well-known member
I care too much about how I look in terms of appearance, in the morning I'm all optimistic about it. At the end of the day though, I realize it was all pointless because I'm no better of than the day before.


Well-known member
At one point in my life, I didn't care either, I'll mop around the house the whole day until late in the night before I'll even take a shower although I have been up like 9 or 10 hours. I just couldn't summon the energy to even take a shower and would only do it when its clearly getting very late and I have no choice but to take one. My hair's pretty messy and my fringe and face looks pretty greasy too the whole day. Now, because I actually do work, so that's why I look presentable, otherwise on weekends when I don't, I pretty much look like crap, I'm sick away from work today, have been up for some 10 hours, but look bad anyway because I've just been lazing around the house, eating, infront of computer or tv, and haven't cleaned up, I haven't even washed my face the whole entire day, would only do that when I take a shower later. Really, without work, I don't know what my life would be like, I probably wouldn't give a s*** about my appearance. But come working time, I take a whole painful 2 hours to get ready in the mornings because I'm so determined not to look like crap infront of so many people, its quite amazing really.


Well-known member
Once I thought like this too,its not like I would get a girlfriend,I dont go out much,so why care?
The longer I didnt took care of my self,I would be less confident and axious around people.

I find that showering, brushing my teeth and hair and putting on clean clothes every day makes me feel better. I have no one to impress since I work from home, but its not about other people, I do it for me.

Dont let yourself go because you think you dont deserve to feel presentable. If it makes you feel good to shave for yourself, then do it. You matter.

I agree with this.


Well-known member
i have a bath and brush my teeth once a day. i only shave when it starts to itch. i wear whatever is clean.
i dont work either, i get benefit money from the government (uk)

"Living off the British taxpayer? SCUM!"

haha I suppose you get that sort of thing a lot. But for all I know you might not be able to work.


Well-known member
Well when i was unemployed i just had a bath/shower every other day instead of my usual daily one because i didn't see the point when i didn't even do anything to sweat. One thing i will never neglect are my teeth because once you loose them that's it.
I just don't feel that it's worth it, why waste time when nothing will amount from it? I'm unemployed, don't go to school, have zero friends, and stay locked in my apartment all day, why should I care? Why? I'm ugly to begin with, why not accentuate my ugliness with my long, matted hippie hair and gross neckbeard?

**** life, it's all a joke. ::(:

wow that's my life right there! Minus the hippie hair and neck beard...


Well-known member
i shower evrey day , but clothes wise i just were a tee shirt and shorts even in the winter , oh plus a coat if its cold , i dont really care what i look like clothes wise ...