I've stopped caring about my appearance.


I shower every day, brush my teeth every day sometimes twice a day. and I gel my hair everyday. its a routine for me if i dont do thoes things I feel less confident. no matter what you look like, be happy god made us that way and turn the negative thoughts into positive one's also If i stand infront of the mirror and think about what i dont like about my apperance it will only make u feel down about your self. keep you head up' stay strong!

' In the end what matters most is...

How well did you live '
How well did you love '
How well did you learn... to let go.
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Well-known member
I don't know maybe not showering or wearing clean clothes is a sign of progress it shows you really don't care what other people think :)
I don't really care about my appearance much either. I try to make myself look somewhat presentable when I go to school because I don't want to look like a totally disheveled person and draw attention to myself, but I don't care about looking "good." It's a waste of my time.


Well-known member
i care too much about my appearance. I spend alot of money on eye cream and face creams. I work out 6 days a week and have a diet plan. I am like a chick I care too much.
I take a bath everyday and brush my teeth and change my clothes and underwear ;) ha ha!
But i think guys have it so easy sometimes, when i take a shower it takes like 20 mins but then it takes like an hour and hald to blowdry and then straighten my hair lol.
And i am constently cleaning my nails and doing other random crap to prevent spots like putting tcp all over my face and screaming from the pain.
I have really sensative skin :(

Loadsa spellin mistakes there for yahh ;)