Is it weird to go on vacation completely alone


Well I completed my trip and am really glad I went through with it. I stayed in a pretty cool, central part of town (Oakland) and used the bus system extensively which was a new experience in and of itself. I would have walked everywhere but I had a limited time to try and complete a list of things.

I didn't mope around in my hotel room, since I was always on the move. The first day was kinda rough since I only got a few hours sleep the night before and ended up missing the flight, then once I got to Pittsburgh I promptly got stranded in some neighborhood after thinking I understood the metro system.

Some of the main attractions I checked out were the Duquesne Incline, Carnegie Museums and Kennywood amusement park. The area surrounding my hotel was interesting and I enjoyed looking around for places to eat. The weather and topography alone made the trip worthwhile.

It was a good experience and forced my out of my comfort zone. I'll definitely travel alone again.


Well-known member
I haven't taken a vacation or even a short trip to another city for many years because I haven't had anyone to go with. Has anyone traveled alone for strictly leisurely purposes and enjoyed exploring a whole new place? Sure anxiety levels will rise and maybe a touch of loneliness but at least it won't be boring, or as boring as sitting at home.

If somebody asks me where I'm going I will probably lie and say it's work related so I don't have to feel the shame. lol ahh pathetic

Yeah i've done that before and it was actually pretty boring, and I talked to no strangers on the way at all. I can't stress enough the importance of planning and not lugging around your bags with you whilst waiting for transport to be due. I wasn't so much anxious as stressed with all the decisions I had to make. But maybe i'm jsut a worrywort. I did have a psychotic woman trying to take my camera off me, and I thought my life was in danger lol.

I dont' feel ashamed to tell people I went places myself, people usually interpret that as independence, which they associate me wiht anyways.


Well-known member
yeah it sucks. for me it's either go on vacation alone and not have much fun cause i'd be alone... or go somewhere with any number of my buddies who all have girlfriends or wives and be the pathetically miserable stag dude on the side while everybody else has awesome fun.

thank you but no, i'll just whip out my kidddie pool, make myself a lemonade and kick it in my front yard. save some money too.


Well-known member
I always travel alone to fun runs. But then I compete with thousands of people in the fun runs.

I can't imagine going on a vacation with other people. I love my idependence to be able to do this.


I do lots and I have a blast. But alone, alone is not so much fun - which i have done too. What I do is sign up for a Group tour. Adventure tour something like that. I do ski,snowboard tours around the world. Just got back from New Zealand on my last one. These are groups, usually singles. this last group we had 12 people and then a guide. Now sure day one ice breaking is really rough for the social anxous person, but I just load up on beta blockers and do the best I can and after about 4-5 hours with the people were are like family and its alot of fun. I just always remind myself that the other people dont know anyone either and they are just as scared as me. But they are good times, and I can actually say they are helping "heal" this social thing the more and more I do it. You have to get out of your "comfort zone" or else you will really never get better at it. Just have your meds in force and bulldose thru it. lol


Well-known member
Thanks for posting this question. I've always wondered if it was ok to do this. I know that cruises stick it to you because they assume all travelers are couples. I'm glad to know that other people do this, too, and that gives me some courage and hope. There are places I want to go and I don't have to let "but you're going alooonnee" keep me away.


Well-known member
I've only recently started doing this because I had this realization that I should NOT rely on other people to be happy.

I've gone on 4 hikes alone so far and I am planning on doing more hiking this year.


Well-known member
^ awesome!

I'm planning a little solo camping trip to Rock Island State Park in a couple of weeks

It's a little island in Lake Michigan - takes two ferry trips to reach it

No cars, no bikes, no electricity, no plumbing



Well-known member
I'm not much of a travelling guy myself, but if I did I wouldn't be that concerned about travelling by myself as long as I had all my stuff sorted.


Thanks for posting this question. I've always wondered if it was ok to do this. I know that cruises stick it to you because they assume all travelers are couples. I'm glad to know that other people do this, too, and that gives me some courage and hope. There are places I want to go and I don't have to let "but you're going alooonnee" keep me away.

Social anxiety has deterred me from doing many things in life but traveling will no longer be one of them.


As long as I stick to the well-traveled trails, I'm usually fine, but once I tread unfamiliar territory, I do get anxious. In one case, I had to turn back when I heard what sounded like a bear roaring...

Anyways, here are some of the pictures I took on four different solo hikes:

I have many more if you like.

Cracking up after reading that


Well-known member
No I don't think it's weird at all. If I had the money I would vacation everywhere regardless if I had anyone with me or not. My perception of the world is so tiny being in this town all of the time.


Well-known member
Cracking up after reading that

In retrospect, it WAS funny!
It wasn't as if I turned pale and then stumbled back; I actually climbed a bit more and then slowed down a bit till I stopped...a chill descended on me and then I was like...f**k this, and then I walked back down, badass-style!