I don't think of eating animals as wrong. I do think it's wrong to torture animals and slaughter houses for mass production don't seem that good in their current state, but I'm not sure how much that can be improved. Or maybe I should say I'm not sure it will ever improve that much long term.
I would like to have a healthier diet with higher quality food and meat from animals raised in better conditions and slaughtered in better ways but right now I do not have the money for that. I hope that one day I will though.
I would like to try a paleo diet sometime, although getting good quality meat might be hard, due to money. My dad has a garden every year and I help him some years. We grew a good amount of food last year and are going to grow even more this year. So this year would be a good time to try it, if I can give up all junk food, grain, and have money for better quality meat.
My dad loves fishing and we have gone fishing together a lot through the years. We keep what we want to eat, let the rest go, and kill and clean the fish ourselves.
I would like to have a healthier diet with higher quality food and meat from animals raised in better conditions and slaughtered in better ways but right now I do not have the money for that. I hope that one day I will though.
I would like to try a paleo diet sometime, although getting good quality meat might be hard, due to money. My dad has a garden every year and I help him some years. We grew a good amount of food last year and are going to grow even more this year. So this year would be a good time to try it, if I can give up all junk food, grain, and have money for better quality meat.
My dad loves fishing and we have gone fishing together a lot through the years. We keep what we want to eat, let the rest go, and kill and clean the fish ourselves.