Is Eating Animals Wrong???


Well-known member
I don't think of eating animals as wrong. I do think it's wrong to torture animals and slaughter houses for mass production don't seem that good in their current state, but I'm not sure how much that can be improved. Or maybe I should say I'm not sure it will ever improve that much long term.

I would like to have a healthier diet with higher quality food and meat from animals raised in better conditions and slaughtered in better ways but right now I do not have the money for that. I hope that one day I will though.

I would like to try a paleo diet sometime, although getting good quality meat might be hard, due to money. My dad has a garden every year and I help him some years. We grew a good amount of food last year and are going to grow even more this year. So this year would be a good time to try it, if I can give up all junk food, grain, and have money for better quality meat.

My dad loves fishing and we have gone fishing together a lot through the years. We keep what we want to eat, let the rest go, and kill and clean the fish ourselves.


Well-known member
If we're quoting bible verses...
"Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."
Genesis 9:3

Also, what's wrong with GMO's? DNA has the same composition regardless of if was arranged by nature or altered in a lab. Our bodies can't tell the difference. Going as far back as ancient times, different varieties of fruits, vegetables, poultry, and cattle were created by humans through the process of selective breeding. In a lab is the same process, only sped up.


Well-known member
That's the problem. The animals are tortured and humiliated beyond belief.

I wouldn't be as upset with this if the slaughter house workers slayed the animal painlessly with anesthesia. I do respect your diet. I also respect the fact that you can obviously see how terrifying the treatment of animals are.

Thanks. I don't go full on vegan, but I really just don't eat too much meat. The anesthesia idea sounds nice, but the downside is that there's a lot of people who would boycott those companies because they refuse to eat a product that has been exposed to chemicals (understandable, but kind of hard to avoid).
I wouldn't have a problem with a more vegetarian diet, but unfortunately there are a lot of foods I cant stand the taste of. Even worse is that it's not a "I dont care for it but I can put up with it" it's a "this stuff is making me gag" response.
Thanks MotherWolff for the post(s). I myself don´t have nerves to discuss these things with people anymore but I am glad there are still people who are not indifferent to animal suffering.
It might not be "wrong", but could possibly be "sinful".

If we're quoting bible verses...
"Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."
Genesis 9:3

I can't recall where i heard this, but i'm sure i heard a pastor on tv discussing what the godly or bible diet was, and that the only meat included in such was fish (but not seafood).


is it morally wrong?..idk..I guess that could be argued...but if a carnivore like a tiger, bear, or shark wants to eat a human they just DO it...they dont stop and think about how they not saying its an excuse just because animals do it but if a cow could eat a person then it probably wouldnt think twice about i'll eat a cow any day.

but really I think every now and then a person gets eaten by a shark so that kind of balances out the food chain a little bit...I just hope its not ME next time. lol.

also I think its a bit strange that a tiger can eat a person but people arent allowed to eat tigers...they're protected....and what if a bald eagle attacks a person? are they allowed to fight back or do they have to just take it like bitch because bald eagles are protected by law?

but to a certain extent I think its good that endangered species laws exist because if they didnt then people would probably be having bald eagles for thanksgiving and shit.
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For me the answer to the question is yes. It's wrong to kill and enslave animals for our luxury. Humans shouldn't be able to do wathever they want with animals. I'm a vegetarian for over 2 years now and I'm currently preparing to become a vegan. As I found out about the way our meat is produced I just didn't want to be a part of the process anymore. I could no longer justify it to myself to eat the burgers I once loved so much. Now the smell of a burger is sufficient to make me nauseous.

Besides, it's striking what an enormous waste of food the whole meat production is. Millions of people are starving of hunger but each year we throw 735 billion kilo of grain inside some cows we butcher afterwards. That's ridicilously inefficient. The massive space used to produce fodder could also be put to better use.

I've heard the 'but animals eat each other to' argument a lot, but it's not very convincing to me,the difference is that humans are smart enough to question their instincts. I don't see why the fact that plants feel pain too has anything to do with the suffering of animals. I have been active in the protection of a forest nearby (we failed, but the parking lot is really pretty)and I'm the kind of person people call a 'treehugger'. But animals experience pain on another level than plants, and we have to eat something after all, so yes I eat plants.

I don't have a problem with people who do eat meat, I just hope they think about what they are doing once in a while and hope that they are aware of the atrocities to which they are contributing.

A politician here said lately that he is convinced that in 100 years everyone's a vegetarian. Mostly I disagree with him but I think (and hope) that he is right in this one.


Well-known member
I eat meat and dont think it's wrong or feel bad about it. I do feel bad immediately after I kill an animal. But that feeling goes away. Hunting is fun, I'm good at it and it provides me with food and money (sometimes I sell the animal for cash or trade it to someone for a favor).


Pirate from the North Pole
It might not be "wrong", but could possibly be "sinful".

I can't recall where i heard this, but i'm sure i heard a pastor on tv discussing what the godly or bible diet was, and that the only meat included in such was fish (but not seafood).

to each their own interpretation. Who knows what they really meant.


Active member
I don't think people realize just how big the earth is. The entire population of the world can fit in the state of florida. The overpopulation agenda is a dangerous lie. We probably have lands that man has not even set foot on.

Science says the earth curves by 8 inches every mile. A helmet manufacturer sends a balloon with a cam to space:

Two things you should note from this video:
1) Just how big the earth is
2) Just how flat the earth is (where is the curvature if "science" says it curves 8 inches every mile...the video shows thousands of miles)

Genesis 9:3:
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Animals were made for man, not man for the animals.
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You want to know how I got these scars?
Ever heard of a vegan group or animal rights group fighting for mosquitos or spiders?
Nope? Didn't think so.. but they are a life form aren't they? Why aren't there any rallies in support of their right to life?
I'll tell you why. Because they aren't cute and cuddly. If you find a spider in your house most people will kill it without a second thought. Cancer is also a life form, as is AIDS.
But we choose to kill them.
My point is, humans have evolved WITHIN the food chain. We are part of it. Always have been. Consuming meat coincided with our largest increase in brain size. Without meat we wouldn't be who we are today.
Each to their own when it comes to eating. But don't force others to do what you do.
A bit like religion really, you wouldn't like to be forced to be Muslim or Buddhist would you?


Well-known member
Each to their own when it comes to eating. But don't force others to do what you do.
A bit like religion really, you wouldn't like to be forced to be Muslim or Buddhist would you?

I agree with this, I wouldnt force my beliefs on eating meat onto anyone else. Just like I wouldnt want them forcing their beliefs on me. If you have beliefs on eating animal products, then you can follow your beliefs and dont try and make others follow your ideals.

I am opposed to the cruel practises used in mass produced meats.


Well-known member
I don't think people realize just how big the earth is. The entire population of the world can fit in the state of florida. The overpopulation agenda is a dangerous lie. We probably have lands that man has not even set foot on.

Science says the earth curves by 8 inches every mile. A helmet manufacturer sends a balloon with a cam to space:

Two things you should note from this video:
1) Just how big the earth is
2) Just how flat the earth is (where is the curvature if "science" says it curves 8 inches every mile...the video shows thousands of miles)

Genesis 9:3:
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Animals were made for man, not man for the animals.
depends from the point of view,if we have to mass produce stuff like we do now,I would say that we are overpopulated.


Hi, I'm new to this place and I stumbled upon this discussion. I felt like I needed to make a comment so here goes. I have to own up to being a vegetarian for over 20 years and I agree with you MotherWolff. However, people don't like to be confronted with these sorts of questions as it holds a mirror up to themselves and it doesn't look too pretty. So the reaction is often defensive, aggressive or just plain silly.
I thought socially phobic people, like myself were of a sensitive disposition and often deeper thinkers than average. Maybe I must be wrong. I personally wouldn't like to inconvenience someone or something else for my own personal gain, never mind have something killed for my own gratification especially when I know I don't need to eat a dead animal. I certainly know I could never kill an animal myself to eat it so why would I let someone else do the dirty work for me?
I too find butchers and slaughter house workers a scary prospect to meet on a dark night. They must definitely have something important missing from their psyche.
But a lot of people (the majority?) just don't seem to have a problem with being the end consumer in the animal killing industry and I don't understand why. And from the reactions you have received so far, I don't think we'll ever find out.


Well-known member
As long as it's available,which I'm sure it will be for a loooooooooong time...humans as a whole will never stop eating meat.
It's simply not going to happen.

It's best to just make a decision that's right for you as an individual and leave it at that.
Worry about yourself and leave everybody else the **** alone.

One thing I'm sure we can all agree on though...the animals can be treated a lot better.


Well-known member
Hi, I'm new to this place and I stumbled upon this discussion. I felt like I needed to make a comment so here goes. I have to own up to being a vegetarian for over 20 years and I agree with you MotherWolff. However, people don't like to be confronted with these sorts of questions as it holds a mirror up to themselves and it doesn't look too pretty. So the reaction is often defensive, aggressive or just plain silly.
I thought socially phobic people, like myself were of a sensitive disposition and often deeper thinkers than average. Maybe I must be wrong. I personally wouldn't like to inconvenience someone or something else for my own personal gain, never mind have something killed for my own gratification especially when I know I don't need to eat a dead animal. I certainly know I could never kill an animal myself to eat it so why would I let someone else do the dirty work for me?
I too find butchers and slaughter house workers a scary prospect to meet on a dark night. They must definitely have something important missing from their psyche.
But a lot of people (the majority?) just don't seem to have a problem with being the end consumer in the animal killing industry and I don't understand why. And from the reactions you have received so far, I don't think we'll ever find out.

I realize this reply is going to be defensive but it's not for the reasons you think it is. Maybe the reason you get defensive reactions from people is because you just called people like me a pack of idiots and psychopaths. You did sugar coat it a bit though. So thanks I guess.

Good work on not inconveniencing anything. Not all the components of a balanced vegetarian diet grow in the same area and have to be shipped in from other places. You could probably just take a load of supplements instead but a lot of them aren't vegetarian and you'd probably have to import ones that are. All this shipping requires the burning of fuel which creates pollution. And I think pollution is bad and inconveniences stuff but I'm not 100% sure because I'm not deep thinker like you.

I worked in a butchery and I hunt. Having a mirror held up to me doesn't make me defensive. I'm okay with eating animals. Someone saying that there is something wrong with me just because I don't believe the same thing they do does make me defensive.


Well-known member
I don't think people realize just how big the earth is. The entire population of the world can fit in the state of florida. The overpopulation agenda is a dangerous lie. We probably have lands that man has not even set foot on.

Science says the earth curves by 8 inches every mile. A helmet manufacturer sends a balloon with a cam to space:

Two things you should note from this video:
1) Just how big the earth is
2) Just how flat the earth is (where is the curvature if "science" says it curves 8 inches every mile...the video shows thousands of miles)

Genesis 9:3:
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Animals were made for man, not man for the animals.

I'm starting to believe this. Not to mention too many people concentrated in massive cities. And the tons of food that goes to the garbage every day.
Do we really need 3 meals a day? And many issues like obesity rates rising come to mind.
Many countries are having trouble with people not having kids anymore. Negative population growth is never mentioned by the media as much as it should.
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You want to know how I got these scars?
people don't like to be confronted with these sorts of questions as it holds a mirror up to themselves and it doesn't look too pretty. So the reaction is often defensive, aggressive or just plain silly.

I thought socially phobic people, like myself were of a sensitive disposition and often deeper thinkers than average. Maybe I must be wrong.

I too find butchers and slaughter house workers a scary prospect to meet on a dark night. They must definitely have something important missing from their psyche.

Ok. Firstly, You're saying that you know 'most people don't like being confronted with these sorts of questions'... I would be very surprised if you knew what 'most people' were thinking. No one can mind read.
Maybe their 'reactions' weren't defensive, aggressive or just plain silly, but that's how you took it. Have you ever been wrong?

You saying social phobia sufferers who don't have the same view as you aren't 'deeper thinkers'.. well that's just insulting and quite frankly quite narrow minded.
I would say most butchers and abattoir workers lead very peaceful lives and love their children and partners. They would be offended at your statement.

Just because you choose to eat vegies over meat it doesn't make you any more or less of a human being. To suggest it somehow makes you superior in ANY way is laughable.