Imagine your ideal relationship...


Well-known member
She would be outgoing with a bubbly personality, yet have plenty of time for just the two of us hanging out. She would take a bit of interest in new age / spirituality without being too obsessed by it. She would be a country girl by heart, preferring to live amongst nature rather than in the urban jungle. She would love to go travelling so we can take plenty of advantage of "twin share" offers. She would live in UK or North America, so I would be able to move over there to be together. She would love riding horses and likes wearing nice dresses out and about. She would also have long flowing hair and no fringe (I prefer a naked forehead).


Well-known member
Forget about all that. The main thing women want is a guy that can open up to her. They want a man that can be himself around her.

I'v tried that, and it's not worked.

I give up anyway.

I'm used to be lonely, sounds depressing but i'v done well so far :)


Well-known member
I just wish I could get a relationship without any lies or deceit. I wish I could find someone who is himself and who needs me and is not afraid to show it and be really vulnerable with only me. I wish I could have a relationship where he wants to change and he makes me want to change too, in ways that I didn't even realize on my own I needed.

I DONT like being treated like an object. I don't have one female friend that wants to be treated like an object either, all their husbands are really great guys. In fact my all my relationships ended because of how I was treated.

And today when I had my oil changed the mechcanics were asking me questions and talking to me like an object. Man I wanted to punch them so bad. I am skinny and cute with makeup on and I am saying I hate hate hate arrogant men like that.

But I am done with relationships. I am shutting myself down and have to learn to fend for myself. Because every relationship I have had I was treated badly, lied to, porn addicts, hit or cheated (in various ways).

So I have learned that relationships for me anyway are not possible.


Well-known member
Is a good listener. Is introverted like me, so totally understands when I need alone time. Tells me everything, even things that he thinks are silly because he trusts me. Very loyal and isn't fickle with relationships (would fight for it). Appreciates the little things in life. Appreciates my interests even if we don't share the same ones (I would do the same for him). Is passionate about something.


Oh so well said. I loooove that. I wish I could have that too. wow.


Well-known member
She'd be an elite distance runner, and we'd train and race together. We'd travel the world going in big city races, encouraging each other to do well.

This is a dream if I was twenty years younger. Right now I am happy pursuing my running on solitary basis.