...I'm sick of being a virgin.


Well-known member
I can't remembering being ever worried about my virginity. What others think about my sexual orientation, because of always being alone has worried me. It has been so many times assumed I am gay. I guess that stemmed from the homophobic teasing I copped in high school. That really destroyed my sexual morale, kids calling me a poofta and I wasn't even gay. Girls calling me sexless, teasing the way I walked. Effing adolescents detroyed my life.
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Super Moderator
I don't understand why people assume that someone is gay because they have no partner to show. Gay folks get into relationship and have sex too :question:


Well-known member
I completely understand why you would feel the desire to be able to share in the conversations with your cousins. Everyone has felt out of place or left out of something that everyone else has done. For me, one of my problems is driving. It's like everyone in the world can drive like it's second nature and I hate it.

I turn 22 next week and I've never had any sexual experiences at all. I truly feel that 16 is verging on too young for sex. That's my opinion anyway. When you get older you realize how much growing up you have to do in your teen years. I think having sex would be much more enjoyable when you are older mentally. I think of what I was like at 16 and I never would have wanted to lose my virginity at that age.

Like others have said, if it matters that much to you, you can try and find a way. But I think that if you wait until you're older you will appreciate the experience a lot more. I'm not even saying that you need to find 'the perfect' girl, just wait to become the grown up man you are going to be in the next few years.
being a virgin.. so what.. of course the experience is great.. but rather with someone special than just for the sex...


Well-known member
I can understand the desire to loose your virginity. I'm not going to go into details, but I lost mine pretty young, but pretty late in comparison to a lot of my friends. I can remember feeling like I was missing out, because we were early teens and it was made out to be this huge important thing and I was so curious.

I lost it, but it wasn't the experience I had hoped it would be. I think I was pretty weird for a young lad compared to my friends at least, I always wanted my first time to be special. Where on the surface at least all my friends just viewed it as something to brag about and something to get as much as possible. Maybe that was all young male bravado.. but a lot of them did use girls just for sex.

Anyway I don't regret loosing it when and how I did, it happened and I cant change it, but it wasn't the experience I would of liked it to of been, it wasn't anything special or one of those memories you look back and smile at. Also it wasn't even that great full stop.

Basically I agree with Mr Falkor above me ^.^ You don't have to wait till you meet the person your going to marry, but I would advise against having sex purely for the sake of having sex, and wait till you find someone you have some sort of bond or connection with.


Well-known member
when i was seven, the other kids told me i had cooties

when i was 16, i was teased about being a virgin

now i'm in my 40's, and they want to know whether i'm a Green Bay Packers fan
its ok to still be a virgin at that age, try not to worry bout it you've got plenty time yet, i'm not going to talk about personal experiences on sex but i wish i had waited and not lost it due to peer pressure and with some ass who didn't even care for me. I thought i'd feel better about loosing it but i didn't and now i'm emotional scarred and can't get over it, i wish i had waited but i had just moved away from home to uni and wanted to fit in and i was 17/18 and people were calling me a silly little virgin. Please don't listen to these people find new friends and wait till you really love someone and please don't do it in a drunk state either. Its not a big deal and you'll find someone trust me. I am now in a relationship with someone and he is amazing and i'm nearly 21 and everything is going good!


New member
Hello :giggle:

Well you know, being a virgin is not all that bad. You're totally not alone, lol. I believe that having sex during your teenage years removes your "purity" but not everyone is the same, and not everyone will believe the same thing i believe. If you are a teenager, I advise you not to have sex, because when your older your probably going to regret it(but who knows, its a maybe). Because when you're an adult and find your "one and only" you're probably gonna wanna give your all to him/her right?? lol. well thats all i can say. do whatever the heck you want. just remember if you do have sex use protection :thumbup: