I'm considering suicide, but


You can get through this and feel better. It's normal to think about suicide at times so there are plenty of people out there that have been in a similar situation. In fact the majority. What you have to realize is that most people who commit suicide do it impulsively. If you could stop them from killing themselves then they would most likely reconsider their situation. They didn't really want to die they just wanted to solve their problems and they thought suicide is the only option. If you just hold on things will get better.


Well-known member
How many antidepressants would I have to take to end my life? This would be the most "humane" way I suppose?
I reckon if my life stays the same in 2 years time I'm just gonna shoot about two grams of dope into my veins and take a bottle of valium

That's proberly the easist way Argamemnon


Well-known member
FcukingIdiot said:
I reckon if my life stays the same in 2 years time I'm just gonna shoot about two grams of dope into my veins and take a bottle of valium

That's proberly the easist way Argamemnon
I've been feeling like this for years. And it's getting worse as I grow older. It's so bad that I would be willing to give an arm, if this mental torture would end..


Well-known member
Maybe you should try pot first. In this state it'll get you addicted, but at least it's more healthy than dope etc.


But, how do you want your life to change? You repeat the same thing every day hoping that the next day it will disappear. You now know it won't. You make your choice everyday, every hour, every second. Each second you are different and you can choose who you want to be, but first you have to accept who you are now. You cannot just pretend not to see your fear - and you know that. The fear is protection from something even worse - from seeing yourself as you are. How could you stand it, if you would be sure that who you are now is this 'real you', and yet you cannot accept yourself. We are all hiding to avoid facing our real selves. We don't know who we are and we are afraid to know it.

In this particular case of 'social phobia', you know that your own influence on yourself is small or none, yet, one word of some other person can wipe you off into misery or send you straight to heaven. Why your own words mean so little to you? Because you are afraid to give them meaning, as there will be only one person you could blame if you make a mistake - you, and it is you who is going to hurt. Now, that you given up all responsibility, you feel free from your own judgment and punishment. Such a comfortable position has it's price though. Now, in your own eyes, your word mean nothing and you are nothing. Yes..., but isn't that what you wanted? Your words mean nothing, so you are secure from your own judgment. It would work just fine, but there are also other people... Oops! Now you are as vulnerable to the other people's judgment as possible. They can tell whatever they want about you, and you know that you have nothing against their word. You are still more afraid of your own judgement than of the other people's one, so you decide to suffer it so you do not have to face yourself.
You, of course, try to make the pain as little as possible, so you give yourself a label 'socio-phobic' to justify your being in the state and your behaviour (avoiding people, fear etc.) with some fancy "mental illness". Now that you are in group of sufferers you wait for them to change something (you actually don't take that possibility seriously as if you did it would be a threat). You shift the responsibility, like you always did.

I've no idea how to see the world (yourself) in true colors. The only possible option here is to face the fear as it is all our not-taken responsibility. By 'face' the fear I do not mean 'try to stand it' - I mean 'be the fear', be inside it and see it as it is.

Suicide... yes it is a fantastic option - it solves all the problems, doesn't it? I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't do this or that you should do this - you can do what you want, just be aware that by doing this you give up this possibility that inside all this fear, there is love and it is you.

If you are inside fear, if you are fear, there is no fear as you know yourself fully and there is nothing you would want to throw out. So let it go - let the fear take you fully - be it - and you will see the love.
Hylke said:
Maybe you should try pot first. In this state it'll get you addicted, but at least it's more healthy than dope etc.

yeah I was actually just throwing it out there as a viable method of suicide

best way to go i believe

you need to be opiate niave (zero/low tolerance) etc. the benzos potentiate the opiates and you just nod out and die from overdose without feeling any trauma. There are few ways to die pleasantly. This imo is one of them.


Sorry, but you will not die - your body will die, while you will stay the same and suffer the same, but you will not have the body. Believe me the state you are in now is not the worst you can get. Now you are given energy everyday, when you are dead you will have to struggle for it. You need the energy to create your illusions. So after suicide, with time you will have less energy and you will know your fears as they are, as you could no longer protect yourself by hiding in ilusions (and the fears are nothing like you experience them now). If you want real hell you are free to go.
me too considering it as an alternativete to escape from this shit world...
I also believe in God,even though nothing i am getting from the belief...Some times i think heaven and hell are imaginary and there is no god at all..but if there is some1 like that,if the life after death is a reality...den we will be ****ed.....

so dont know exactly wat to decide....

But if God is allowing me to com again on earth ,as the other person told above,i will be happy...I pray that in next birth i shall be born like others,smart,outgoing,extravert,full of energy etc....then it will be fine....
God wont allow a person to be born into misery,TWICE ,i believe
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Well-known member
Well i dont believe in any god so I can't help with that im afraid...

but if your willing to die and lose everything you have then surely you have nothing to lose...if you have nothing to lose then you can start the life you have now all over again from this day. **** all the stuff you hate about yourself and your life at the moment...you clearly dont like enough to care if u never see any of it again...so **** it! Start again tomorrow...try anything, after all what do you have to lose by trying.

So if you really want to die then surely you are at a point where things can't get any worse....so try everything to make it better...coz it can't get any worse right??

It is literally impossible to go any further down than wanting to kill yourself so anything can only make it better...or the same at worst!!!

you get my point....keep trying!


Well-known member
Argamenon man just quit trying to fight it man , you can't really build yourself up until you hit rock bottom and suicide talk or commiting suicide is no way to go. Commiting suicide would be a selfish act you fam and others would miss you whether you think that or not. Put the suicide stuff on the backburner and grind it out. I've been through this kinda stuff all my life you just have to improve you coping skills and learn who you are your the only one that can do this. Suicide is a cop out tho.


I tried once to commit suicide by ingesting 28 sleeping pills (I counted them up while taking them) and I mixed them with vodka and this saved my life because I was not used to drink alcohol and I started to vomit once I had lost conscience. I woke up two days later in a puddle of vomits. After trying it I felt proud of myself because I think (despite of what most of people say) one needs a lot of courage in order to kill oneself. After that things started to improve and although I never stop thinking about it, I have not felt the necessity to try it again. I have not regreted the trial because I really think that there are people (me among them) that are genetically incapable to be just fine (happy would be too much). I know I´ll be unhappy until the day I die, but I think that unhappinness can be endured and tolerated if you have some dignity in your life, and by dignity I mean being respected in your every day life.

It shocks me what many people say around here about feeling dead inside and wanting to kill themselves physically. I wonder why do they want to kill themselves if they feel already dead. Feeling dead means feeling nothing, and if you feel nothing you don´t cry and you don´t grieve and therefore you don´t have the necessity to end nothing. I remember reading somewhere (I read too much shit) that while there is tears there is hope.


Well-known member
I'm more afraid of pain, physical disablement and legal problems from a failed suicide attempt than death itself. I have no faith in God whatsoever.


Well-known member
I've thought about suicide myself but I would be letting too many people down. There is one person in particular in this world who is so precious to me that I could not possibly abandom them. Do you believe that God has given us life for a reason? Maybe that reason is to struggle and eventually overcome our problems and hardships. Maybe God wants us to find the strength within ourselves. I am not a Muslim, but we have the same God and I will say a prayer for you.


Suicide isn't a choice, it happens when your pain(whether it be mental or physical or both) exceeds your coping mechanisms. Wanting to commit suicide I've found has NOTHING to do with your circumstances in life, it only has to do with how depressed you feel(which really is just a chemical imbalance in your brain).

I have tried to commit suicide 4 times in my life so far, and I no longer feel the want to. I feel generally content borderline happy now and nothing has fundamentally changed in my life. Im still single, im still behind in school, I still have a life sentence of physical pain etc etc. The thing that helped me was anti-depressants and meds. There are other ways of treating depression too, such as CBT or lots of physical exercise(releases endorphins in your body which are basically the body's own anti-depressant feel good drug). All these methods can restore your natural chemical balance in your brain and make you feel normal again.

You don't actually want to kill yourself, you just want to end the pain. Suicide is a PERMANENT solution to a TEMPORARY problem, just remember that. When you are feeling suicidal(90% of suicidal people have a mental illness at the time and these are the people im talking about) you are NOT thinking correctly. You are not in your right state of mind. Depression will fool ANYONE, even the greatest minds into thinking ones self is worthless, and deserves to die. Its a facade that your depression puts over your eyes. When you are depressed you NEED others on the outside(those who are not depressed) to guide you and give you reasoning abilities.

Please get help, you owe it to yourself! Starting to reach for help starts with a simple call to your doctor. Make that call, again, you owe it to yourself to do it. I hope you will take my advice and the others in this forum and choose life. Best of wishes (((hugs))))
okay, u have no idea what's waiting for u on the other side it might be even worse, cause I also believe in God and suicide isn't allowed.. but what I really wanted to tell u is that a priest I met has started to help me and said that he went threw similar stuff and u should look at him now... he's a legend... and he wants me to meet a blind person to talk with him, so I will. this person has been left by his wife, son, has lost his home and is blind. and he still lives. he has no hope of ever seeing again but u have hope.. and I 'd recommend a different psychiatrist cause from what u've said it seems like he only gives u drugs.. there is better therapy... and u have all r life ahead of u.. because if r father, like mine had mental illness he couldn't had u if he didn't get well and even if he didn't doesn't mean u won't and r not crazy u have SA, which has nothing to do with mental illnesses. and maybe helping someone less fortunate than u(u believe he doesn't exist) will help u... hope I helped... I am in a similar situation. :D