if you weren't a human you wouldn't mind being a?


Well-known member
Yes! Another one! This video actually shows a stoop from the bird's perspective. It doesn't start to get good until around 2:45, but you see how fast they flip over and how fast they fall.

WARNING: While not graphic, the falcon does get a bird in this video. So if the idea of predation makes you uncomfortable, don't watch it.

YouTube - Peregrine Falcon Cam Covers Stoop

That was awesome! It's amazing how well they coordinate themselves at such high speeds


Well-known member
A dolphin or a hedgehog

You do know hedgehogs arent actually fast? I heard they're quite slow, to the contrary. But what do I know? :D

Also I'd be a mole, mayhaps. Or a squirrel or bunny.

... But if you didnt mean to limit to real life being a Pikachu would kick ass, no?


Well-known member
... on second thought, by far the most amazing thing that I could reasonably imagine being is a honey mushroom. Having sensory input drawn from miles around, all shared through a vast and intricate mycelium network, collecting information for thousands of years... like some vast, perdurable brain.

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