if you were transported into another body


would you be free of nerves and do all the things youve ever wanted to do and not care what people think? or go back to your old ways...


Well-known member
Depends if I knew I would go back to my old body. If so, then yeah, I'd probably go just as crazy as in my drunken moments when I acknowledge but ignore some consequences.


Super Moderator
It would still be my mind and soul, only in a different "shell", so I guess I'd still be crazy... maybe better looking, but crazy anyway :)


Well-known member
Definitely. I'd still be the same me with the same fears & same worries. Having a new body would do nothing except freak me out when I look into the mirror lol. I'd still be the same person.


Well-known member
maybe i felt a little bit more confident if I was transported in a better looking person. But basically still the same me: shy and quiet


Well-known member
If i was in a different body then it would be the same i guess... coz alot of my problems are from my brain...

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I think I would be a lot different. I think most, if not all my issues came (and still come to an extent) from growing up having hyperhidrosis which is a physical issue. You'd be surprised how much you can change given a new start


I sometimes wonder if I would feel the way I do about myself and the world if I was born into a different body. Would I be wrong in thinking that better looking people are favored more by society? Therefore, nurtured and more accepted by others which would then lead to higher self esteem and confidence...?

I know some good looking people can be incredibly shy which negates that theory, but I have also read scientific evidence to support it.

The argument I think comes down to nature vs nurture.... is social anxiety learned as we experience the world, or is it an innate personality trait.

I DO know though that many many people will take one look at you and assume they know everything there is to know about you in an instant, which I think is totally unfair.
Prejudice bites.
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