If you only had 6 months to live..


Well-known member
this thread reminded me of a book i've read. it's called "veronika decides to die" by paulo coelho. veronika was a woman who seemed to have a perfect life. underneath that perfection though, was the weariness of living in a routine- common, safe, and unchanging. one day, she decided to commit suicide, but landed herself in a mental institution instead. there, she met different kinds of people.

within that confinement, she learned some things which made her happy, like playing the piano. veronika realized how much she'd been holding back because of her fear of being judged- a problem she lost the moment she entered the asylum.

later in the story, a doctor (if i remember correctly) told her that she only had several weeks to live.

that's when it hit her how much she didn't want to die. veronika gained an entirely new appreciation of life, and plunged herself into a pool of risks and chances knowing she had nothing to lose.

Veronika Decides To Die Piano Piece/Song - YouTube

if it were me, i don't know if there's anything in particular i'd wanna do. maybe, i'll just try some crazy stuff and live out loud.


Well-known member
^^ that movie seems interesting.

Well, if I had 6 months to live. I would just do whatever I want. Travel far away (don't have much money, so some of that may be jumping trains or boats or whatever) . Well I'd definitely want to see the pyramids, macchu picchu (spelled that wrong), the himalayas, the great cats, the great apes before they're extinct, the mariana trench....maybe i'd steal to get some money to go places. I don't care. 6 months is awhile so I think I'd have time to figure it out....oh I got it! Use a student loans check & blow off school; just go wherever the hell I want & see all the beautiful things in this world...oh and the taj mahal too..

Before I do that, I'd treat myself to a dinner at a fine fine restaurant & tip the waiter like $500 or something (gotta go out in love, right?)

I'd also drink myself to death, watch the sunset every night....

hug my dogs , my kitty, and everyone else good bye.

I'd also make sure to at least try and publish SOMETHING. maybe since i'm dying, they'll take pity on me and publish my crap (i'd write that in my cover letter to the publisher, and send at least one poem about my pre-death experience)

I'd also skydive. I've always wanted to do that...

Anyways, I'd just want to live like there's no tomorrow.
And I'd want to see Kirkwood again (this special place for me in California). And death valley and mt. whitney again.

I'd also go to vegas if I had time.

and visit the grave of my best friend too.

*edit* forgot to say i'd take lsd
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Well-known member
I wish I had some sort of elaborate plan or some big dream to accomplish, but I don't.
I wouldn't do a whole lot.
If I had money, I might like to travel a bit-- not even very far; just out of province.

And I would eat as much gluten/lactose-filled foods as I wanted.


Well-known member
I'd move back in with my ex because they'd be the longest 6 months of my life.
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Well-known member
If I lived in La La land id do a bunch of crazy stuff, but since this is the real world I would realistically do nothing at all and keep doing the same stuff I do now.


Well-known member
I would take lots of photos, write lots of words, draw all the pictures I've ever intended to draw. I'd get as much as possible out of my head so that there would be something left over for my loved ones to remember me by. I would give away everything I own, and I would never spend a moment being unhappy or mean to anyone.


Well-known member
"veronika decides to die" they made into a movie, it was a great story. She was living everyday as if it were her last, I think we could all learn from that.