"The truth is, math is everywhere. Even if you aren't making direct use of it, it's cleverly disguised in everything you do. Every time you turn on your computer, cross a bridge, ride an elevator, flick a light switch, or take a bite out of a slice of cake, know that plenty of math went into it. Whether it be a simple measurement, or complicated calculus, it's in there somewhere. And so, I ask that we all make an effort to give math the respect that it deserves."
I have to agree with AwkwardAmanda. We'd all be just a few steps removed from living in caves if it wasn't our understanding and ability to use and apply mathematical concepts to solve problems.
I understand that some people's strengths lay elsewhere, but I cringe when people have the attitude that math (and science) are unnecessary to have a basic understanding of. Like Amanda said, math is everywhere.