
Does anyone else get an upset stomach when they are nervous?
I do, and I am nervous every time I leave my house.
I hate it.

Just wondering if anyone else shares this lethal combination.
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Well-known member
I got IBS 2 years into my extreme social anxiety. I researched about it and it's very much related to anxiety and depression. My upset stomach became fine in a few months but since then I have been stuck with feeling nauseous if I eat food too quickly.
IBS, isn't it wonderful? If you're having an apple, peel it first. Veggies, mix them into things. Don't eat raw.

Fast food, forget it. Remember the BRAT diet. Banana, Rice, Apple sauce, Toast. It will help when things get bad.

Depression, anxiety do not help.

It's a Bi**h Syndrome. Enjoy.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, yes. I've dealt with it for years. I remember being in elementary school, and rushing to the office to tell them that I didn't feel good and wanted to go home. I got anxiety, was going to have the runs and I knew it, and freaked out. I refused to use the restroom there. To this day, I still put up with it. I usually take Imodium when I know I'll be leaving the house. I've also heard that Activia yogurt is really good for regulating your digestive system. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I'll give it a go when I get some money.

Oh, and I wanted to add that yes, anxiety makes it 1000000 times worse. Definitely. If I'm having a panic attack, almost undoubtedly, a stomach ache will follow and I'll have to rush to the bathroom. IBS is awesome!


Well-known member
I read somewhere it can be from your family giving you a hard time, and it was certainly so in my case.. and some other upset too..

still not sure if it was real ibs or something else, I guess it would be good to get tested for gluten sensitivity and some other stuff, but haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet..

My Mum said her co-worker had it too, and magically improved when she got retired. Yikes.

It can be cured or helped with nutricionistic info (some books and sites online) and/or learning to relax etc. Or to fix the situation causing this (which is easier said than done :)).

Also check if you maybe just don't have enough stomach acid or might have other health problems.. I might have ruined my stomach acidity with magnesium supplements and usually it's better when I eat something acidic like tomatoes etc with meat or such, helps digest food better.


Well-known member
yea i suffer alot from this i always get a sick stomach and sometimes diarrhea when i'm anxoius even the night before i'm doing anything which involves meeting people
I get this too when I'm anxious or nervous about something... and it gets worse when I know that I'm nowhere near a bathroom, like when I'm driving- even if I'm completely familiar with where I am, just knowing that I'm not 30 seconds away from a bathroom is torture. It was also pretty embarrassing when I was in school- it was a little better in college where it's okay to leave the lecture and go to the bathroom, but on test or presentation days it was pretty nerve-wracking.


Well-known member
I have IBS, and there's a lot more to it than nervousness. It's all the time, nervous or not. When you eat, when you don't eat, no matter what you eat, how often or how little you eat...it's horrible.


Well-known member
Has anyone gotten tested for gluten allergy or sensitivity? Or for parasites or any bacteria or such? (And what were results?) Just curious..
Did your doctors even get you to be tested? (And how?)

I'm embarassed to even tell my doc. /sigh/ Also, because it could be a number of things.. How do you know it's 'just' ibs?
I'm also afraid about infecting others, at times (what if it isn't just ibs?)

It's worse when I'm nervous though.. And usually happens in the morning only, so that made me think about celiaky or something, though the doc laughed at me the first time I mentioned the possibility, but I didn't have the ibs/d. then..

Nowadays it's mostly even not full ibs/d. but the stuff still looks odd (?) and I still fret a bit about possibly infecting others..

It's good when I'm away from home and eat a lot of meat and red wine and sweets or such - maybe because of absence from home or eating unhealthy is actually good for my digestion?? (But it's bad for everything else and I can feel really sucky the next day lol..) So, what to do?


Active member
Yea through High School I would get a stomach ache almost every day so I would miss a lot of days. Now it doesn't happen too often.
Has anyone gotten tested for gluten allergy or sensitivity? Or for parasites or any bacteria or such? (And what were results?) Just curious..
Did your doctors even get you to be tested? (And how?)

I'm embarassed to even tell my doc. /sigh/ Also, because it could be a number of things.. How do you know it's 'just' ibs?
I'm also afraid about infecting others, at times (what if it isn't just ibs?)

It's worse when I'm nervous though.. And usually happens in the morning only, so that made me think about celiaky or something, though the doc laughed at me the first time I mentioned the possibility, but I didn't have the ibs/d. then..

Nowadays it's mostly even not full ibs/d. but the stuff still looks odd (?) and I still fret a bit about possibly infecting others..

It's good when I'm away from home and eat a lot of meat and red wine and sweets or such - maybe because of absence from home or eating unhealthy is actually good for my digestion?? (But it's bad for everything else and I can feel really sucky the next day lol..) So, what to do?

I tried to get tested for for celiacs and gluten. The the process of getting from point A to B was brutal. Take this here. No, not done right. Do it again. Take this here. No date, yes there is. They take it. I'm done.

If makes terrible, don't eat.

Sounds like you may have a higher stress level at home which may increase the problem. Or its something being eaten at home. I cannot take Rye, malt, molasses.

Might try Iberogast.
I will see if my doctor will test me.

Most of the time I take Imodium in the morning and I do fine.

Had to sit in the middle of a room full of 50 people today, because some girls stole my seat in the back....:mad:
So my stomach got a little rumbly::eek::...
I will see if my doctor will test me.

Most of the time I take Imodium in the morning and I do fine.

Had to sit in the middle of a room full of 50 people today, because some girls stole my seat in the back....:mad:
So my stomach got a little rumbly::eek::...

Hey, it happens. Just have to roll with it I guess. Be thankful you don't get the muscle cramps. They pull you right over. Upper GI just clamps - pow.

If you do, breath in deep really quick. Seems to lessen. Then you have to figure what you ate could cause that.

Good luck with the doctor(s). I have little patients. Especially when being thrown into a loop.
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Well-known member
i have that right now, i have to take omeprazole :l
acid reflux hurts when you have anxiety, it just makes everythin worse. fml


Well-known member
I tried to get tested for for celiacs and gluten. The the process of getting from point A to B was brutal. Take this here. No, not done right. Do it again. Take this here. No date, yes there is. They take it. I'm done.

If makes terrible, don't eat.

Sounds like you may have a higher stress level at home which may increase the problem. Or its something being eaten at home. I cannot take Rye, malt, molasses.

Might try Iberogast.

Yeah, high levels of stress at home, especially while renovating (sensitive to sounds/noise).

Interesting that rye, malt, molasses are a problem for you - I/we eat a lot of rye bread, hmm?

I sometimes don't know what to eat anymore, and my family like wheat at least 1x a week.. (eg pancakes - they make me sleepy and whoozy.. too much pasta makes me confused too, I think - trouble is cause I don't have 100% proof.. maybe it's all in my head?)

My Dad's coworker died of cancer after being diagnosed with gluten intolerance or something like that, and a neighbour that can't eat gluten got breast cancer too.. So it's a bit emotionally charged here..

And the family got tired of me having separate dishes and cooking separately and having leftovers all the time.. I did feel better overall though.. I still took some supplements then, so I don't know if it was from those or the diet.. But I had some bad side effects from the supplements (ibs/d.) and from the changes in diet I think too (backache/joint ache from too much meat/proteins, but my mood was better after more protein - so, a balance seems important).. also saw I had bone density problem (osteopenia and mild scoliosis got worse, maybe because too much at computer/bad posture too) and then started drinking milk again cause I couldn't find a good calcium/magnesium supplement..
(PS You can get muscle cramps because of magnesium deficiency..)

I have too low stomach acid (especially after taking magnesium supplements) so I don't know if Iberogast would be okay? Thanks for pointing it out though! I see it's available in my country too!

Also, what to eat and what to cook? I tried rotation and elimination diets for a while.. And was hungry a lot, lol! Not quite knowing what to eat.. :)

I do feel better after eating less gluten and bread and milk..usually.. (it depends what I eat too) It seems a lot of meat without milk might not be good though.. (I felt terrible on a day like that once and don't dare to do it again!)

So did you get results for testing for celiacs and gluten?
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Well-known member
i have that right now, i have to take omeprazole :l
acid reflux hurts when you have anxiety, it just makes everythin worse. fml

Be-noticed, too much acid can totally be helped with nutrition! (some natural remedies may be helpful too) Also, walk around instead of sitting or lying down after meals etc. Not sure if you have this too, or just the reflux?

But yeah, it sucks when it's happening..

Do you have Helicobacter pylori? Wkipedia says Omeprazole can have some side effects though, so check and track usage if you can?


Well-known member
Does anyone else get an upset stomach when they are nervous?
I do, and I am nervous every time I leave my house.
I hate it.

Just wondering if anyone else shares this lethal combination.

Not unless I have to do a presentation, like at uni. I get it in the anticipation of the event more so than in the duration. Since that doesn't happen at all nowadays no I don't really get them that often.


not actually Fiona Apple
Yeah I think I do. I know sometimes when I'm at a track meet and I have a long time to wait it will start hurting like mad, like I can't stand up or sit up straight. When I run/throw it's fine but then afterwards it comes back and I need to curl up in a fetal position just to subdue the pain.
Interesting that rye, malt, molasses are a problem for you - I/we eat a lot of rye bread, hmm?

(...maybe it's all in my head?)

so I don't know if Iberogast would be okay? Thanks for pointing it out though! I see it's available in my country too!

Also, what to eat and what to cook? I tried rotation and elimination diets for a while.. And was hungry a lot

So did you get results for testing for celiacs and gluten?

Time away from those. Graham cracker, half, stomach burned (molasses). Rye bread, fever, nausea, don't touch. Malt, most beer. Nausea. Try the Japanese drinks, Asian drinks. Tolerable for the most part. Taste, sometimes have to let it grow.

I am sure people around you will tell you it's all in your head.
Nothing to do with the head. Its the system you've got zero control over. Other than what you put into it. Happy system, happy you.

If I am correct, Iberogast is taken to sooth the system. First time I tried it, with food, I felt nothing. To those who don't know, feeling nothing is a great feeling. Not sure if Iberogast will affect acid levels.

I don't know what to eat or cook either. I just know, if IBS you have, never go hungry. Always have something ready. Never over eat. Eat when slightly hungry, eat until you feel full. Raw veggies, leave them be. Cut'em up, cook'em, mix'em into something. Leave egg yolks alone - bad.

No I gave up on results. The doctors around here will send you into a loop. They don't care. Around here you've got to know what you've got first then they'll help. BS. Suppose I should try again.


Well-known member
Be-noticed, too much acid can totally be helped with nutrition! (some natural remedies may be helpful too) Also, walk around instead of sitting or lying down after meals etc. Not sure if you have this too, or just the reflux?

But yeah, it sucks when it's happening..

Do you have Helicobacter pylori? Wkipedia says Omeprazole can have some side effects though, so check and track usage if you can?

yeah i've totally changed my diet now :)
no saturated fats and eating 4 hours before a meal. but some foods i would eat not knowing how they might affect me and the effects are just so painful that it disturbs my eating pattern and gives me a total lack of apetite for days ::(:. i've stopped taking themedication now, it wasnt helping much but i changed my diet completely. :)