I Need to Get Over A Girl Who I Really Like, I Need Good Advice!


Well-known member

Stop chasing her! If she phones you or wants to talk to her then do so, but don't phone her back. It makes you look really desperate. She's done the push and pull game long enough. I know this kind of thing isn't a game, but you should start playing it like one, and not to 'get even' but to get some dignity back.

She sounds massively awkward, and from everything you've said, she really isn't in the position to be in any kind of relationship at all. Just reply to her out of courtesy, but don't chase it's a waste of time.

Yeah, your suggestion further confirmed my current action, I don't want and I will not do any type of approaching, I'm fine with keeping distance with her for the rest of the time.

But there is one thing I still want ask you guys ::eek::, after you "saw" how she behaved and "heard" what she said all these times, what do you think is the reason that she is rejecting me?

1. She doesn't like me but too shy to speak up?
2. She kinda likes me but have no idea what to do or how to start?
3. She has no idea what's going on and her mind is completely messed up?

I'm just curious what you guys think :rolleyes:


Well-known member
i dont' know... her behavior was all over the place. could have been all of the above at various points of time during the whole ordeal. i might suggest a fourth option: maybe she was/is interested in other guy(s) at the same time, but was equally shy around them too.


Well-known member
But there is one thing I still want ask you guys ::eek::, after you "saw" how she behaved and "heard" what she said all these times, what do you think is the reason that she is rejecting me?

1. She doesn't like me but too shy to speak up?
2. She kinda likes me but have no idea what to do or how to start?
3. She has no idea what's going on and her mind is completely messed up?

I'm just curious what you guys think :rolleyes:

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have an idea!!! ::p:

Why don't you... go up to her face and say #1-3??? Oh and make sure you get a tape recorder so that you have proof that she's flipfloping in her words and actions.

:D What do you say??? If you don't do this, you'll NEVER know and you will ALWAYS ASK US. <--and I am betting 1000 brownies you will disregard this advice and continue to ask questions that maybe you will already have figured out once you give it a try.


Well-known member
Fine then, here are my answers:

1. No, she does not like you in any way shape or form and is too shy to speak up and believes wholeheartedly that it'll crush you into a million pieces... which will crush her dysfunctional mind as well. lol
2. She kinda likes you in a way that you're easily manipulated but is clueless on how to go about saying it and I guarantee that it'll take a lifetime for her to finally admit that.
3. No, she has some idea what's going on but is fearful of what you might do next or maybe what you could be capable of if you were to confront her and get her to be more HONEST.

So yeah that's what I think. She's keeping you in a limbo, dude. :D


Well-known member
Fine then, here are my answers:

1. No, she does not like you in any way shape or form and is too shy to speak up and believes wholeheartedly that it'll crush you into a million pieces... which will crush her dysfunctional mind as well. lol
2. She kinda likes you in a way that you're easily manipulated but is clueless on how to go about saying it and I guarantee that it'll take a lifetime for her to finally admit that.
3. No, she has some idea what's going on but is fearful of what you might do next or maybe what you could be capable of if you were to confront her and get her to be more HONEST.

So yeah that's what I think. She's keeping you in a limbo, dude. :D

I don't want go go confront her and scare the crap out of her, I know the answer already :"uh... I don't know.... ok I got to go, bye!"

Btw, I read this quote from somewhere : "after separation, the saddest thing is not you guys ignore/avoid each other when you met on the street, but is when you tried to ignore her, but she said hi to you in a casual way. At that moment, you realized that you are no longer important in her heart. At least avoiding means you are still the 'untouchable pain' in her heart."

I guess this still make me feel accomplished ::p:


Well-known member
So what are you trying to say again? That you really can't face her 'cause you're too scared about scaring the crap outta her??? You wanna get over her then face HER!! Think of it as having a toothache... are you gonna go visit the dentist ever again (let's say your last visit was traumatizing or something) or are you just gonna settle for some painkillers instead of getting it checked? :confused:

Weren't you the one asking for our opinions on what you could do next? I suppose this approach would be considered in the 'Never attempting' category for sure. :rolleyes:

And another thing: Your decision to avoid her and keep your distance is not really helping us very much to figure out more what she's really acting like now. Has she gotten better or worse? She's doing the same thing, you're doing the same thing. It's Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome all over again. What have you gotten out of her besides giving you seriously vague responses heading to nowhere-ville? lol
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Well-known member
I have no idea whats going on this chicks mind but hope everything works out and you get her in the end...If I was to give some advice it would be to give her some space let her make the first contact, and if she duz invite you sumwea dont overexert your feelings to her Ima guy and even your'e putting me off no offense. It sounds like she feels smouldered by you but she still realises that you are a good guy and clearly wants you in her life. She must have other issues from somewhere else maybe church, school , home who knows but yeah to me it sounds almost like your freaking her out with your almost obsession with her and I dont blame you for being that way especially when it's possibly your soulmate but give her sometime girls miss you when your not missing them or at least busy on purpose lol

good luck brother


Well-known member
Christ, are you STILL trying to pursue this girl?!?!

Seriously, dude - get over it and look for a new potential sweetheart, one that will cause you less grief. You've got this fixation on this one girl, who you really aren't going to get anywhere with. Maybe it's her, maybe it's you, maybe it's a bit of both, but still, this isn't healthy for your sake.


So what are you trying to say again? That you really can't face her 'cause you're too scared about scaring the crap outta her??? You wanna get over her then face HER!! Think of it as having a toothache... are you gonna go visit the dentist ever again (let's say your last visit was traumatizing or something) or are you just gonna settle for some painkillers instead of getting it checked? :confused:

Weren't you the one asking for our opinions on what you could do next? I suppose this approach would be considered in the 'Never attempting' category for sure. :rolleyes:

And another thing: Your decision to avoid her and keep your distance is not really helping us very much to figure out more what she's really acting like now. Has she gotten better or worse? She's doing the same thing, you're doing the same thing. It's Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome all over again. What have you gotten out of her besides giving you seriously vague responses heading to nowhere-ville? lol

It seems to me that you are trying to stir up trouble for kinghatred for the sake of having some drama to amuse yourself, taking into account that the guy clearly stated he is trying to get over the girl. I could be wrong because english is not my first language but you sound contemptuous and cynical, adding to that your little story about the guy that was "stalking" you...


Well-known member
It seems to me that you are trying to stir up trouble for kinghatred for the sake of having some drama to amuse yourself, taking into account that the guy clearly stated he is trying to get over the girl. I could be wrong because english is not my first language but you sound contemptuous and cynical, adding to that your little story about the guy that was "stalking" you...

lol, I was thinking about the same thing, because honestly, at this point, I am trying to get over her not to get back with her.
But everyone can express his/her idea, I'm also curious what you guys think about this matter. ;)


Well-known member
Christ, are you STILL trying to pursue this girl?!?!

Seriously, dude - get over it and look for a new potential sweetheart, one that will cause you less grief. You've got this fixation on this one girl, who you really aren't going to get anywhere with. Maybe it's her, maybe it's you, maybe it's a bit of both, but still, this isn't healthy for your sake.

I dropped off the idea of pursuing her 1 month ago, see, I even changed the title of this thread. I'm on the process of getting over her, it's 70% completed so far


Well-known member
I have no idea whats going on this chicks mind but hope everything works out and you get her in the end...If I was to give some advice it would be to give her some space let her make the first contact, and if she duz invite you sumwea dont overexert your feelings to her Ima guy and even your'e putting me off no offense. It sounds like she feels smouldered by you but she still realises that you are a good guy and clearly wants you in her life. She must have other issues from somewhere else maybe church, school , home who knows but yeah to me it sounds almost like your freaking her out with your almost obsession with her and I dont blame you for being that way especially when it's possibly your soulmate but give her sometime girls miss you when your not missing them or at least busy on purpose lol

good luck brother

Thank you for your advice brother, at this moment, I am leaving her alone and giving her space. It's her call, I can't force her to do anything. I hope she knows what she really want.