I Need to Get Over A Girl Who I Really Like, I Need Good Advice!


Too bad, there won't be anymore
Since Monday, she suddenly starting to avoid me, when she saw me walking toward her, she will head in the other direction, you switched her seat in the classroom and never pick up my call anymore. I tried to approach her and start a conversation, but she won't even giving me that chance, she just do whatever she can do avoid any interaction with me.

I wrote her an email and asked her what's going on and said if I did anything wrong, just let me know and I will change it but she didn't reply. And to be honest with you, at this point, I'm more upset than sad. I mean wtf? I mean seriously WTF!? She called me on Sunday and everything was fine, and then Monday just completely changed! Here's my thought: if there is a problem, then speak up, if there is a change of mind, then just tell me. If shes letting me know in a polite way, I definitely won't bother her again. I just hate sitting in here without clue and doesn't know what the problem is. I did all those things for her and I have never asked anything in return. Now I'm just asking if there was something that I did made her upset and she won't even respond. I felt like she doesn't respect me at all. If she just doesn't like me, I will be sad but I will accept it with an open mind. But the way she is treating me now is very immature and irresponsible, I can not tolerate things like this. How is it possible to imagine living with people like this for the rest of your life?

So guys, I'm done, if this is the way she wanted to be, then so be it. I'm glad I finally realized that she is not the one that fit me. I will keep a distance with her and move on from now.

Based on everything I've read and assuming it all happened exactly as you wrote, it sounds like she has problems. Being angry in these situations always works out a lot better than thinking you have something to be sad about, and you have nothing to be sad about. I'd even suggest that the next time she tries to talk to you just tell her what you think... that's she keeps acting like a child and you've had enough of it. And it sounds like you HAVE had enough, huh? **** her!
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I had a feeling that she had not gotten over her social problems. But she has told you in numerous situations, unless I am mistaken, that she did not know how to tell you things. So even though you want a response from her, on what the situation is, she does not know how to explain the problem, most likely. I do not understand why allot are getting mad at her, she probably, simply, does not know hot to explain her feelings or her situation, well. It is obvious that this problem will never be resolved, at least not without allot of determination and I do mean allot, considering that you have already gone out of your entire way for her and mad about the whole situation, to an extreme extent.

Yes I admit that may be the case. But really, it sounds like she's just playing weird games. She is not shy enough to not call or talk to him, because she did, and everything seemed fine on sunday.. and then monday comes and she switches seats and ignores him totally. I don't know...


Active member
I agree with her playing weird games, to me it honestly just sounds like a girl who doesn't know what she wants.
I'd just drop it.


Well-known member
I personally would say that religion has caused her to have some massive mental problems when it comes to guys. She clearly doesn't see you as being on the same level as her. It's all about self preservation and making herself feel comfortable with absolutely no consideration for anyone else. Even if religion isn't the cause, I would drop her like a bad habit.

You might think that she's special now, but she isn't. No girl or guy who is willing to mess you around that much is.
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Active member
I too think thats too much. You should totally avoid her. Perhaps she has some mental instability issues. And if thats the case , its a trouble for life.


Well-known member
I really need some help or guidance in this situation, especially advise from girls who also have social anxiety issues. I need someone to help me interpret her behaviors so I can understand what is she really thinking.

So this girl is in my class for 3 years, I liked her from the very beginning, but I never tried to approach her because I was shy and I was afraid that she is gonna reject me. So for the past 2 years, I did nothing, not even trying to be friend with her. One day in this year, she invited me to join a christian study group, I was really happy because I saw this as a chance to get closer to her, so I went to this study group and go to church with her every Sunday. Our relationship reached to the level of friend very soon and I was really encouraged by all of this. Then, I started to be more aggressive in showing my intention. I made food for her on her birthday, I bought her lotion when I saw cracks on her hand, and I took her out to watch movie and eat dinner a couple times. She accepted all of that, and I believe she enjoyed them.

Maybe she gradually realized my intention so she started to draw back last week. Since last Monday, I noticed that she was no longer comfortable when I tried to approach her/talk to her. She had very tired look on her face and she was nervous when I tried to have a conversation with her. I kept asking her what's going on, then finally she said something such as she wants to make sure that we are only friend. I was very disappointed but I told her politely that I respect her opinion and I'm very glad that she is honest. I was really depressed at that moment because I thought she rejected me because I'm not good enough for her.

So that Thursday, I didn't go to the christian study group with her because I want to keep some distance with her so I can calm myself down. But she called me later that night and asked me why I didn't go to the study group. She briefly inferred that she felt sorry for telling me the "friend thing" the other day because she got issues, and shes afraid of getting hurt in a close relationship. I felt there might be more behind that so I asked her to have a face to face talk tomorrow, and she agreed.

So last Friday afternoon, we played basketball for awhile and then we started the conversation. I told her about the issues I had in my childhood. And then she told me about hers. It was at that time, I found out that she's having Social Anxiety for a long time. She said she used to be afraid of going to school, don't really have many friends, never dated before (Me Neither), and every time she was in a close relationship with someone she always has this fear that she's gonna mess up this good relationship, so she always shut herself out and pushed that person away to prevent the "bad outcome".

after that, I told her that I liked her for a long time. She couldn't believe that but at the same time I can see that she was nervous and maybe also happy. I told her all my feelings but in the end, she still couldn't decide what to do. She said she is afraid of hurting me and most of all afraid of getting hurt. I told her that I'm strong and not afraid of getting hurt from her. I was really hoping that she could give me an answer such as "let's try/let's work on this together", but she said something like "you just do w/e God's telling you to do, and I will figure out my part." but before she left, she held my hand and told me that she likes me, and she hugged me. I was really really really happy at that moment.

Just as I thought everything is working out fine, here comes the issues. The next day we went to a concert together, during the concert, I tried to hold her hand and wave like what the crowd was doing, she swing off my hand immediately with an uncomfortable expression on her face. Then, I noticed that actually she wasn't very happy since the start of the concert. later when we drove back, I was trying to be funny and I said "last night you hugged me, today I'm sneezing all day, let's hug again to make sure I'm not allergic to you." She looked very annoy and frightened and strongly refused it. I was disappointed because I wasn't expecting her reaction could be this big.

The next morning I went to church and saved two seat besides me, but she didn't come sit beside me. When I turned my head looking for her, I saw her sitting behind and she looked very tired. I felt very guilty at that moment, I thought she must be troubled by my aggressive action last night. So I put on a very friendly smiled, waved at her and said hi like everything is fine. after the first session, I approached her, asked her how is she doing, then I apologized for my action last night. She said, it's ok, don't worry about it. Then we went to the second session. While we were singing songs about Jesus, she started to cry. I put my hand on her wrist and asked her if shes alright, she shook off my hand and said she is fine. I want to comfort her so bad at that moment, but I don't know what to do.

after the second session, she asked me if i want to go to the super bowl party tonight, and she said she can go with me if i want to go. I was very excited and started to getting greedy again. I asked her if it's ok for me to bring a couple of movies to her place and watch with her in the afternoon but she refused immediately and later when we apart, she said "see you tomorrow", which means she probably won't go to the party with me. That night I called her and asked her if she wants to go, she said no.

I felt last weekend was the turning point, since this week, I felt that she is treating me totally like normal friend, plus she's still sort of nervous when I tried to approach her. Today, I asked her again if I can cook her something, she said firmly NO, and I asked maybe later? She said she doesn't know. So pretty much for the past 5 days, she excluded every possible chance of having closer interaction with me.

So here's my question for you girls with social phobia,
Is her behavior right now reasonable?
Can you tell that if she really likes me or just trying to be nice and treating me like a normal friend?
Did she regret of saying she likes me or hugged me?
Does she hates me now?
What should I do now? Should I kept talking her and continue ask her out despite her instant rejection or Should I leave her alone for awhile and let her gather her minds and make her decision?
Before all of this, at least I can still ask her out once in a awhile, now it's like she refuse to anything more a normal friend with me

Sorry for the super long post, but I really need some advise on what to do right now. I really like her and I don't want lose her, please help me, I really appreciate it!

to me it sounds like she doesnt know wat she wants and shes kind of leading u on to keep u around until she figures it out. I have SA n i wouldnt be so hot so cold, if i were to be "cold" i just wouldnt talk to the guy or txt back or anything until i felt comfortable, i wouldnt hang out and get mad over comments like that if i was positive i liked the person

i think shes kinda playing you out.... :/


Well-known member
to me it sounds like she doesnt know wat she wants and shes kind of leading u on to keep u around until she figures it out. I have SA n i wouldnt be so hot so cold, if i were to be "cold" i just wouldnt talk to the guy or txt back or anything until i felt comfortable, i wouldnt hang out and get mad over comments like that if i was positive i liked the person

i think shes kinda playing you out.... :/
lol Why I suddenly have Katy Perry's Hot 'n' Cold song in my head... :D you're definitely right. This girl changes her mind "like a girl changes clothes" lol And I've already suggested to kinghatred in my previous posts that there might not really be a chance for him 'cause this girl SERIOUSLY sucks at communicating. ::(: Either the reason behind that is because she doesn't want to commit to ANYTHING or she's just trying to come up with an excuse (to save face) and give him a hard time because of what she had experienced in the past (guys only wanting sex for the most part, etc.). It takes someone who's seriously crazy about her to tolerate this kind of behavior.

kinghatred, if you still care enough of this girl, GET HER SOME PROFESSIONAL HELP. Big time. I mean, c'mon, seriously. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Guys, thank you for all the replies and supports, I really appreciate it! I didn't expect so many recent replies since almost no one replied in the past week.

I'm going to explain a little bit more about what exactly happened in the past 2 days, so you guys can get the full pictures.

Like I said, Sunday was fine, she called me, we talked for about 20 minutes, then we were out of topics so she hung up. Later I remembered that I forgot to tell her that even though I didn't go to church, I was still reading bible, so I selected a couple of verse that I really like and sent to her through email. Since she likes to share verse with me in the past, I thought she might be interested to see mine. And that was it for Sunday.

Monday, actually I think the beginning was alright. I wasn't planning to go to school because there isn't important class but I felt I miss her. So I decided to go to class just to see her. I went to class, and I saw her chatting with a guy friend. Apparently she was having a good time, she was laughing and talking. My seat is right behind her, so I walked straight toward her, I looked at her face because I want an eye contact then I can say "Hi" or "How are you doing" to her, but she didn't look at me at all. She totally ignored me and continued talking with that friend. And at that time, I really don't felt like say anything to her because that would made me look like I'm interrupting her conversation. Guys, what do you think? Was my thinking logical? When you passing someone you know, but that person kept talking to somebody else, would you still go up, interrupt them and say hi? I personally thought that would be kind of rude, so I just past her and sat on my seat.
That friend left her right before class start, and I didn't use that moment to approach her because the class is starting. We have two classes that afternoon, so I thought I have plenty of time to talk to her. After first class is over, she went to the restroom, in the mean while, I started a conversation with a girl sitting beside me, because she already took a class that I am going to take next, so she gave me a lot of tips and suggestions of how to do well in that class. When my "dream girl" came back from restroom, I was still listening to the girl beside me, so I didn't talk to her during the break.
After second class is over, students started to pack and leave. I didn't leave because I saw her pulled out a word document and started working on her paper. So I sat still and pretend I was also working on something, but I was actually waiting for everybody else to leave, then I can go up to her and say hi and something more intimate like "I kinda miss you, that's why I came to school." But there were 2 people didn't leave, and 1 of them just sitting right beside her. If I go approach her now, all I can say is something plain and normal because since she haven't decided her feelings for me, I don't think she wants other people to know that there is something between us. So I was hesitating between "go have a normal talk now" vs "wait to have a intimate talk" for 10 minutes, then I saw her started to pack up and ready to leave. Then I was like "oh crap, this is not good."

I was also a little disappointed at that moment, to be honest, because in the past, we always had a mutual silent agreement: whenever we felt like talking, we will just stay in the class after everybody else is gone, then I will approach her and talk about stuffs. We did this kind of things many times in the past, without letting each other know verbally ahead of time. She knew it and I knew it. I was hoping that day could be one of those day, but unfortunately I was wrong. So as her packing up, I fixed my gaze on her, waiting for an eye contact to say something. Of course I could just start saying something at that moment, but I was really looking for some kind of feedback, some kind of communing. But I was wrong again, I looked at her for 15 seconds, she didn't look at me even once, before she left, she said "see you" to the girl sitting beside her and just left, totally ignored me.

At that moment, I felt something is not right, but I wasn't sure, there were times things like this happened in the past, where she just left without saying anything. But still, I called her later trying to make sure everything is alright, but she didn't answer, and she didn't call back later. Then I know for sure, something is wrong. Because in the past, no matter what, she would always answer my call or call me back. this is the first time she just totally ignored it.
I was kinda worried but I thought it's no big deal, I will just go talk to her friendly tomorrow, pretend nothing is wrong.

So the next day, I went to school, I saw her sitting on the other side of the hallway. So I started to walking on that direction and prepared to start a conversation. But I saw one of my guy friend sitting in the middle of the hall, I don't felt like just passing him without saying anything, so I stopped and asked him how is he doing, and chit chat only for 30 seconds. As I turned my body and trying to walk toward her, i saw her started to run away. I mean it's definitely not that she didn't see me and left in a natural way. She was RUNNING AWAY, like holding bag in one hand, holding laptop with the other hand and just run upstairs to the second floor. I was like "WHAT THE FACK?"
I totally didn't expect that but I was sure that she was avoiding me. But i didn't give up, even though I felt kinda defeated at that moment, so I took several deep breath, gathered my guts and went up to the second floor. I was telling myself, I will just stay calm, smile nice and ask her politely how is she doing. But I couldn't find her, I looked into the classroom at where she usually sat, that seat was empty. then I turned my head, I saw her sitting on the other side of the room. We do have "fixed" seat, even though it's not assigned by the teacher, because we are in graduate school, and every class was taught in the same room, so basicly everybody already established their seat in the first day, and we have been sitting on the same seat for the past 2 years. And now she suddenly changed, apparently she was trying to avoid me because her original seat was right in front of me. And when I was confessing my feeling to her 2 weeks ago, I told her sometimes I love to stare at her from the back, at that time, she laughed and said, "it's ok." Well, apparently now it is not ok for her anymore. And the new seat she was sitting, was right beside the guy friend she was having a nice conversation with on Monday.

So, after I saw that, I felt kinda sad, all the strength, courage and the things I wanted to say to her, was shattered. I didn't go to that class because I think it will be little too much for me to bear at that moment. So I just went downstairs and waiting for the second class.

The second class was Case Study, where students were divided into several groups, each group will have a little room, where they can have individual discussion about specific patient case. Me and her are in the same group, so I know we will have to see each other face to face in that class, so I prepared myself, I thought when she came to the room, I will just say hi, and how are you without hesitation, and hopefully that will break the ice. But I was wrong again, she didn't show up on time, she waited and entered the room after the facilitator started to introducing the case, of course during that time nobody suppose to talk, so she cleverly dodged the opportunity for me to have a interaction with her. And when that class end, she grabbed her bag and rushed out even before the facilitator able to left. Great timing, all I can say. So it was crystal clear to me that she is avoiding me like avoiding an ugly snake. I guess you guys won't even understand how depressed I was at that moment. I mean seriously? We were still fine on Sunday, what could I possibly do to make her this upset?

I really don't know what to do at that moment, I talked to my friend and he told me just to give a few day off and let her make her move. I was like I can't wait, it is driving me crazy, I want to find out what's going on and if I really did something wrong, I want to apology as soon as possible, I don't want things to get worse. So, I spend 3 hours, gather my mind, and spend 7 hours wrote her a 4 page long email, which included what I think I made her upset, why I behave like that, I explained to her if she thought I was ignoring her then it is a misunderstanding because I really wasn't, I just didn't find a good chance to talk to her. I wrote how bad i felt in the past 48 hours and I asked her if I did anything wrong then please tell me, I would love to apologize and change my behavior, I told her I need her to work with me, we could solve this together.

I will show you guys the email.


Well-known member
Wow, I didn't even realize last post was that long, sorry about it. I'm not good at writing, so just bear with me guys.

So here is the email I wrote to her on Tuesday night:

I do not consider myself as a smart person, but I’m definitely not stupid enough to assume everything went perfectly fine for the past 2 days. It’s pretty obvious, just like when the sun rise from the west instead of from the east: you knew something is wrong. But the hardest part is to figure out the question: Why?

As I lying on the bed for 3 hours, scrutinizing every memory from the last “normal interaction” until the current point, I still couldn’t figure out exactly what have I done to make you so upset. Actually, it has only been roughly 48 hours since last time we talked and I thought nothing bad occurred during that 22 minutes and 4 seconds conversation on Sunday night (correct me if I’m wrong).

But since I didn’t really do much stuffs for the past 2 days, which kind of helped me to narrow down the possible reasons. Eventually, I end up with 2 possible reasons that made you hate me. They are kind of opposite of each other, but I really cannot think of anything else. I have a feeling this is going to be a long email, if you are still reading this, I really appreciate your effort at least that shows you probably still care about what I think. I’m sorry that I have to choose doing this through the email, but I really don’t have any other ways. I don’t think you are ready to talk about this face to face and I can’t do this through phone because you probably don’t want to pick up my call at this moment.

Reason 1: The verses that I sent to you were too strong and aggressive.

After we ended the conversation on Sunday, I realized that I forgot to tell you what I have read in the bible that day. Since you like to share your favorite verse, I assumed that you probably would like to see the verse that I like. So I sent you the verse from John 4:7, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” I’m not sure if you are irritated by this verse, since you already told me last time that the way I express my feeling put too much pressure on you and making you felt very uncomfortable. So after you saw this verse, I guess you might probably think that I’m using this to show my love again, which overwhelmed you and made you think that I just don’t know how to control my emotion, which eventually lead you to avoid me so we can cool off.

If this is the reason, then I have to say that you misunderstood me. John 4:7 is a verse talking about love between normal people, it teaches us to love one another, love your neighbor, love any stranger and love everyone on earth. The English Bible and New American Bible start this verse with the word “Beloved”, but the New International Version and New Living Translation Bible start this verse with the word “Dear friends”. So no, I was not trying to emphasis my feeling by sent you this verse. I did it just because I liked this verse.

Reason 2: You are upset because “you think” I ignored you?

(I omitted 3 huge chunk of paragraph because I pretty much already stated in the above post)

So this is the detail of what was going in my mind for the past 48 hours. These two reasons are the only ones that I can come up with. To be honest, I still don’t fully comprehend what is going on because even if the above 2 reasons are true, I really don’t think they are serious problems, they are normal issues that people are dealing everyday and they can be easily solved by simple communication. I don’t know if there is anything happened on your side that suddenly made you changed your perspective about me, or if there is something else that I did unintentionally that made you upset. But at this moment, the only thing I can confirm is you are mad at me.

By telling you exactly what I think and how I feel, I’m not sure if this is going to make things any better or even worse. But I do know that I don’t want just sit back, banging my head on the wall and just let things between us deteriorate without doing anything. Because I care about this relationship, because I treasure all the experiences that I had with you, even if it means I’m going to get hurt, disappointed, and humiliated on the path of finding the real “Cause”, I am still going to pursue this path with no regret. I mean come on Rachel, we are both adults and I am a reasonable person. How could there be anything between us that cannot be discussed and handled in a more efficient and mature way? Why do we have to torture each other like this? I told you many times that I never meant any harm; all I wanted to do is to make you happy. I don’t know if you believe it now and I don’t know if you have ever believed it, but I mean it every time I said or wrote it. I know I probably did something that made you felt bad, but you are not the only one feeling bad, I’m on the same boat here. I spent 3 hours last night talking with my friend to try to figure out what’s going on. I spent 3 hours today to gather my thought and almost 7 hours to write this email. It is just insanely frustrated for me to put every last drip of strength to achieve the thing that I believe is right and see things just goes to the completely opposite direction.

But I do realize that relationship requires cooperation between both people, no matter how hard I try, I cannot beat this by my own, I need your help. If you ever think there is anything between us that is valuable or worth to be remembered in the future, please do not shut me off like this. Let’s talk about this, let’s solve this and see this as an opportunity to know more about each other. I remember one philosopher said, “As people get closer to each other, it is unavoidable to have conflict and misunderstanding, it is a natural process that occurs to anyone in any relationship.” If I made a mistake, please let me know, I will change it. In my opinion, shutting a person off suppose to be the last step where that person refuse to correct his mistake, but not as the first step when that person doesn’t even know what is going on. I don’t think it’s fair for anybody to receive a death sentence without even knowing what crime he committed, right?

This is all I can say; I have nothing left in my mind and heart. Please don’t felt forced to make any decision, I did my part because I believe it is the right thing to do. You have the rights to choose whatever you think is right for yourself, and that’s something that nobody can force you to do. You don’t have to worry about hurting my feeling because I would be happy to know what you really think. If you realized that I’m not the right person for you, it’s ok, just let me know. If you don’t think we should hang out anymore, it’s ok, just let me know. If you have no idea what to do at this moment, and need more time to think about it, it’s ok, but still, let me know. I am a man who lives by my principle, I have passion and I do what I believe is right. Please do not misunderstood my passion with the word “stubborn”, the last person that I want to be is somebody who kept stalking on other people and kept harassing them and ignored their feelings. I am way better than that. Maybe you will feel awkward or annoyed and probably don’t want to reply anything, which is totally fine, I do expect that to happen with certain chance. But don’t worry, I will follow your rule, I will keep a certain distance just like what you did to make sure you have enough comfort zones. And I will do my best to not interfere with your life.

I did everything that I can possibly do and I have no regret whatever the outcome is.


Well-known member
And guess what guys? She didn't reply anything for my email. Yeah, not even one explanation, not even one sentence and not even one word.

I mean it seems like I am the only one who really cares about this relationship, I put into so much effort trying to make the right thing, I spent 10 hours writing that email, let her into my mind and sincerely asking for an explanation in a very respected way, but she just totally ignored me.

When I looked at her past behavior, I just felt very tired: at first, I did all the nice thing to her, she was happy, then she told me the next day that she just want be friend, then she told me the next day she felt sorry to say things like that. Later I confessed my feeling for her, she was very happy at that moment, then the next two days she turned cold, doesn't want to do anything with me. I gave her a hand made gift on valentine day, the next day she told me I pushed too far, she just want be friend now, then 2 days later, she called me at 2 a.m. in the morning telling me she was sorry to behave like that and then she chatted with me for 2 hours. And she called me Sunday, we were happy. Then Monday and Tuesday, Boom~! Totally shut me off.

I was depressed in the past, but this time, her behavior evoked me far beyond that, I felt she was just playing with my feeling and doesn't care how I feel at all. All I am asking is to let me know what's going on, how freaking hard can that be? If she doesn't like me, then just freaking tell me, if she wants be friend, then just let me know. Or if she said we should keep a distance, then I will definitely follow that. I will never hating someone for tell me with a straight answer, actually I would appreciate deeply. But the way she's doing right now, shows that she has no respect for me at all, she doesn't care about how I feel at all. It made me think that she is doing this on purpose to make me mad

You know what made me even more upset? She behave totally fine/normal in front of everyone else. She's chatting, laughing with everybody else in the class like nothing is wrong, except the way she is avoiding me. While I was sitting in my room, thinking over and over what did I do wrong and how can I save this relationship, she is playing racquetball and having fun with her best guy friend. Yeah, after all the things I have done for her for the past month, this is the way shes treating me.

At this point, I don't think I crave her as much as before. I am a very reasonable person, and clearly everything that is occurring now is telling me this is definitely not the girl that I want. Imaging what kind of problem I could have with this girl in the future just made me shivering. Last time we hang out, I found out that she was born in the "year of snake", at that time i was like, oh there is no way for such a sweet girl to be a snake. But now I realized it is not exaggerating at all lol.


Well-known member
Guys, I think I need to change the Title of this thread, I don't need guidance for dating this girl any more. But I need guidance for how to not feel defeated in front of her. I mean really, after I have done so much for her, and she treat me like this, I really felt like a fool in front of her. I will keep a distance with her and I don't want to talk to her, but I do have to go to class eventually. And I assume when I sat on my seat and saw her no longer sitting in front of me but sitting on the other side of the room with her guy friend, I will still feel a little bit depressed. Also, some of her best female friends seem to know that I like her, I guess they will be wondering what did I do to make her hate me now.

So basiclly, I need tips on how to get over someone quick and not feeling down when she is avoiding me but treating everybody else nice

I need advices guys! ;)


I'm glad you are snapping out of it. The quicker the better.. I think all you really need now is time. You'll be laughing about this and wishing you had started avoiding her earlier than you did. At least that's exactly my experience after a bad relationship.. You feel sad and there's not much you can do about it, but with time I think you'll not even think about it anymore. It'll be a long time before you get to the point where you go a full day without thinking about her at all, but it just takes time.
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Active member
You bent yourself backwards for this relationship. For whatever reasons its crystal clear that this girl doesnt deserve you. If she s so religious perhaps you should tell her to treat others as she would like to be treated. Perhaps you should write her an email to express what you feel about how she treated you and to ask her if her bible studies give her the right to defy and ignore you like that. Im a true believer and i resent christians that treat people badly.


Well-known member
Okay, I've just sat and read through all of this from the very beginning and I agree with what most people have said.

There's a whole lot I could write about this, but it would probably be echoing a lot of what's already been said by people.

Let me just say one thing - it's time for you to start putting yourself first again, kinghatred. You've done so much for this girl, she has taken over your life for the past few weeks, and whilst I sympathise with her too (I don't think she meant to hurt you, she's just incredibly confused about things, I've probably done the same thing to people myself without realising), I also know what it's like to be on the receiving end of such hot-cold behaviour, and it's not nice. She needs to realise what she's doing to you, regardless of her problems, and whilst you are being so concerned about apologising for whatever you did wrong (if anything), then she owes you a big apology too at some point. She lead you on, several times. She shouldn't be surprised at how you have reacted.

It's time for you to sit back now and give her space. You can relax by knowing that you did all you can for it. As for how to get over somebody... it's not always easy, but time, and meeting new people, definitely help. You sound like a really decent guy and I'm sure there's somebody out there who would be much more appreciative of your principles and efforts.

Guys, I think I need to change the Title of this thread
- If you tell me what you want the new title to be I will change it for you :)


Well-known member
If you still really like her...than its bad news:))

Well, I'm not a robot, even though my conscious and logic are both telling me "she is not the one you are looking for, cut it loose now." I cannot draw back completely all at once. If I can do it so quick, then I probably wasn't really into her before. When you put in efforts, you pour your emotion in, when you want to back off, you have to drain the emotion off. This is going to take some time, especially when I have to see her everyday in class. I can control my action, there is no doubt about that, but it's hard to control how I feel.


Well, I'm not a robot, even though my conscious and logic are both telling me "she is not the one you are looking for, cut it loose now." I cannot draw back completely all at once. If I can do it so quick, then I probably wasn't really into her before. When you put in efforts, you pour your emotion in, when you want to back off, you have to drain the emotion off. This is going to take some time, especially when I have to see her everyday in class. I can control my action, there is no doubt about that, but it's hard to control how I feel.

Sometimes impossible to control how you feel. It's not helping seeing her all the time in class so idk about that but I do admit that I cried sometimes when I was alone thinking about it. And it sucked a lot but then life went on and I started completely changing my mind about the whole thing (not forcefully) and just forgot about it eventually. I also was much happier without her because she caused me a lot of stress. Not abusive or anything but she was just kind of crazy.. not the crazy I can tolerate (and I like "crazy" girls anyway) she just had a lot of problems somewhat similar to the girl you're talking about. We all have different experiences though and we're all different people so I can't relate to you 100% and tell you what you need to do. Good luck anyway.