I hate the way I look in pictures!


Well-known member
I'm the same way about mirrors and photographs. I don't mind seeing my reflection in a mirror, but I loathe seeing myself in photographs. Maybe it's because we're not used to seeing an unreversed image of ourselves that many of us don't like how we look in photos.
I'm the same way! Maybe it's because the lighting is dim in the bathroom, so it makes me look a little better. I just hate the way I look in pictures though!


Well-known member
When I look at myself in the mirror, I feel ok about my image/body and think I look pretty average.

However when a photo is taken I look so bad I can't stand to look at it. I look like I'm about 13 (I'm 19), have a bright red face and my hair looks like it's been soaking in a chip fryer for half an hour. Even my clothes look stupid in pictures on me.


Well-known member
I think, a lot Of people makes question about who is lying camera or mirror. The same thing happens to me, exactly the same thing that happens to you, when I finished of dolling myself up, I think, well, I like what I'm seeing, I look very well, but when someone take me a picture also I'm fat, my face is like a pig face, very fat, my eyes are small, my face appear like hiding in my hair, but I don't understand in the mirror my face doesn't look hiding in my hair, but in a picture looks in this way.

I think we are very worried for very little defects in our face or body, defects that are no very important or things that anyone see. Anybody is perfect, including famous beautiful people. But we tend to exaggerate our little defects.


Well-known member
I don't like the way I look in many pictures. When I'm far away and someone takes a picture of me, I look ok and much better. But when they take close-up shots of me, I look uglier. I also tend to look better in pictures taken in darker environments vs lighter environments.

I heard of a camera trick that many girls do to get better-looking pictures. Many girls place their cameras at a higher position before taking pictures of themselves; I find this makes me look better because it makes my face look slimmer and my eyes look bigger.


I think it's because were too aware that someone's taking a picture of us, so we tense up and look awkward, and it shows in the picture. I'm the same, every picture someone esle takes of me looks bad, I look obviously uncomfortable and unnatural. When your a kid you don't feel as self concious of yourself, that's why childhood pictures seem to look better because its more of a natural pose/smile, as opposed to a forced one that you pull and have to hold for what seems like an eternity whilst thinking "hurry up and take the picture god dammit!"

Point is, we look uncomfortable in pictures because we FEEL uncomfortable, the camera picks up on that. It makes me feel depressed when I see pictures of myself and they look terrible, I think to myself "god, that's what I must look like all the time."
I tend to think though, that how you look irl is more accurate then a picture, that's only capturing a certain angle of you, and lighting and whatnot is a big factor too. When you talk to someone in person they're seeing the whole 360 view of you, also, your expressions you have when you talk are different to a straight face or a forced smile in a picture, so chances are you don't look half as bad as you think :)
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Well-known member
i am entirely photophobic! I usually have to resort to crocodile tears to have a photo deleted when someone snaps me suddenly, its horrendous. I'll probably regret having a big chunk of my life missing when I'm older...


Well-known member
Yes,It's why I never post pictures of myself online.
And when I do I get all self conscious and take them down soon after.

I've posted my face here(SPW) more than anywhere on the internet.
Feel a little more comfortable around you folks.
But I still ended up deleting them.heh

I hate the way I look in LIFE


Well-known member
I hate taking pictures too, not exactly photogenic. The exception is when I travel, I want to capture as many shots as possible for memory purposes.


Well-known member
oh no you wont get me on camera, i hate them. My mother in law always wants a picture of me and i shudder and try and change the subject or run after one of my kids lol i hate the way i look !!!


Active member
''shudders'' my friends always annoy me taking pictures of me on purpose knowing very well i find it extremely annoying to the point it almost ruins my day. But i never say anything about it or else they think i'm ''whining'' too much...


Well-known member
''shudders'' my friends always annoy me taking pictures of me on purpose knowing very well i find it extremely annoying to the point it almost ruins my day. But i never say anything about it or else they think i'm ''whining'' too much...

I have a friend who does exactly that.
And even after I complain about he still goes home and uploads it to his facebook and tags me.:kickingmyself:
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Active member
I have who does exactly that.
And even after I complain about he still goes home and uploads it to his facebook and tags me.:kickingmyself:

Sucks man :( i don't have facebook nor twitter never liked those sites but even if i had one and someone would upload a picture of me without me knowing i think i would flip out... :O


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure this is to do with the camera. If you look at a lens its curved and so it very slightly distorts your face. Kinda like looking into a spoon. For some people this works in their favour ("photogenic people").
I'm not an expert though so don't take my word on it! Maybe someone who has studied photography could clarify or put me right?

I too hate the way I look in photos- the main reason I have no facebook acount XD


Well-known member
I also have a problem with cameras. I usually end up resorting to washrooms on occasions when pictures are taken if it's not my camera.
On a side note, I've had better experiences with carl zeiss and sony lenses I feel less scared around them.