I Hate Facecrook!!


Active member
Whenever people put up snippy remarks or cruel jokes, i always think they are about me! Little secret "inside jokes".They probably aren't but it sure makes me paranoid. Facecrook has done nothing but make my SA worse!::(:


Well-known member
I haven't been on Facebook in months. I dread it too.

There's also people who have been really annoying me on there by making jokes about me not showing up at a future party etc. "Will he show up this time?!" It may be ment as a joke, but it's still embarrassing for me as everyone can see it in the timeline.

I keep thinking there'll be a time when I get socially active on FB again, when I have "my life on the rails" but by then it's probably too late already and most people stopped caring.


Well-known member
I haven't been on Facebook in months. I dread it too.

There's also people who have been really annoying me on there by making jokes about me not showing up at a future party etc. "Will he show up this time?!" It may be ment as a joke, but it's still embarrassing for me as everyone can see it in the timeline.

I keep thinking there'll be a time when I get socially active on FB again, when I have "my life on the rails" but by then it's probably too late already and most people stopped caring.

hey, in my entire timeline i i don't have one sentence. i only use Facebook it to "stalk" the past.


Active member
I'm addicted to it, like heroin. I get no enjoyment out of it, but sometimes i get good jobs from colleagues. I'm terrified to make comments thinking they will be criticized. Coming here to this SPW site helps me practice commenting on a forum. I know i post a lot. ::(:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Whenever people put up snippy remarks or cruel jokes, i always think they are about me! Little secret "inside jokes".They probably aren't but it sure makes me paranoid. Facecrook has done nothing but make my SA worse!::(:

Same here - regarding the SA, anyway. Though, there's nothing worse than having to join Facebook against your will. If I don't keep in touch with ya in real life, what make you think the chances of me keepin' in touch online will be any different, eh?! F**kin' peer pressure. :mad:

Sorry for this mini - slightly anti-social - rant.


Active member
Same here. But there's nothing worse than having to join Facebook against your will. If I don't keep in touch with ya in real life, what make you think the chances of me keepin' in touch online will be any different, eh?! F**kin' peer pressure. :mad: Sorry for this mini - slightly anti-social - rant.

I totally agree, Graeme. I keep up with my son in America who is 24 (and thus too busy to talk to his dad here) and some friends i've known for 26 years. If not for them, i would delete my account.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
I totally agree, Graeme. I keep up with my son in America who is 24 (and thus too cool to talk to his dad here) and some friends i've known for 26 years. If not for them, i would delete my account.

Well, that's fair enough. Quite understandable, really. I guess, Facebook is great for keep in touch with family who live elsewhere be it, another part of the UK or another country altogether. And really close friends. But other than that... it's bollocks, in my opinion. I mean, for example, I don't get the whole mutual friend thing, right - just because we both happen to know someone on Facebook - usually a family relative, in my experience - doesn't mean we're gonnae like one another.

Sorry if that last bit has incredibly anti-social undertones! What am I like, eh? :rolleyes:

Then there's the friend updates telling ya who's friends with whom, which I usually react to like this:



Well-known member
I like FB, but I use a fake account, the real one I use it only to talk to other students about college stuff.

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I admit I do have Facebook to keep up with TV shows and music.

I hate the pressure of joining Twitter though. Twitter seems the same as Facebook to me.


Well-known member
FB is great when it's used in a decent way... I.E, when it's not being used as a self-marketing tool, or to make snipey statuses etc.


Well-known member
I just need to forget Facebook anyway, it does have a bad effect on me I guess, for some weird curiosity I'm always there everyday looking at other's sh*t (but I'm mostly there for communication). My problem falls into the category of "being jealous at others, because they have achieved much more in their lives". So what do I see now? My former high school female classmate just got engaged. I mean what the heck, a lot is going on in the world.
Anyway I think I'll just use FB Messenger, and stay off of FB for a while...
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Well-known member
I had an account but deleted it. I don't much care one way or the other.

I knew this guy who couldn't go a single hour (literally) without checking it.

We were on a weekend hike a while back, and I remember all the pics he took, he HAD to immediately download to his ipad, then put them immediately on facebook (his photography 'fan' page) via his computer, and it was about 2 am and he had his computer-tapped into local wi-fi- iPad and cell going all at the same time with texts, facebook updates, etc and whatever the hell else, and I remember his phone kept pinging -- all the facebook, twitter, and text messages he kept getting.

But I believe the worst was when we were driving back and he had NO hands on the steering wheel as he was facebook-ing via iPad whilst driving - and you think texting is bad....oh man! Scared the S**T out of me, I told him. His reply: oh it's ok, I'm not worried, not many cars on the road and we're going in a pretty straight line. umm...sure ok...pull over while I puke. Lucky he was not a drinker I guess.

point is: I don't get the obsession some people have as described above.
I think it's fine for keeping in touch with relatives who may be out of state, kids at college, that sort of thing I suppose.