Oh man that stuff shits me so badly.. i wanna ring up for you and complain.. actually go see her face to face and pick out all her faults...
. You poor thing i think that was the last thing you ever needed to happen to you, she's obviously a complete idiot of a person anyone who sits there and laughs at someone especially during a job interview has serious issues... it's so rude. That happened to my sister in an interview she just got up and left before she started crying.. the lady followed her out the door and told her to go back in.. obviously she didnt. made me so angry... as if anyone is perfect enough to sit there and judge you..
people like that need someone to stand up to them, otherwise they'll keep on doing it. I'd like to be the "bigger" person and sit there and just be like hm okay cool.. but i'd have to start yelling at them and make them feel shit...