How to work with an @##hole


Well-known member
I have a part time job working with a supervisor who is all of the following things:

• homophobic
• dogmatic
• stupid

I could give you examples of all four, but I'de rather give you his latest illustration of ignorance. He attempted justified the civilian death toll in iraq (135000-655000, depending upon whether you want just documented deaths, or deaths that were direct or indirect i.e down hospitals, ect), by simply saying that it's a war. I pushed him and asked, so does that justify it? He said yes... He didn't even attempt to think about the subject.

How do you deal with people like him?


Well-known member
You don't deal with him.that's the only way to keep your job and your sanity.

You can't change him,you can't change his views,you can't correct him,you can't argue with him. As with in every day life when dealing with these types of people,you'll never win and you'll only succeed in frustrating yourself by trying. He won't change and it isn't your job to make him see the error of his small minded ways.

Ignore it. Walk away. say no comment. whatever you have to do to get out of the conversation.

OR you can keep a journal with dates,times,exact dialogue of what he says that's so offensive and you can report him to his superiors.


Well-known member
i guess as long as work is work and you are fair with that side of things its ok.

people's personal opinions are kind of like religion... they are not really important... he may be alot of bad things but he probably still has a heart deep down in there and you just gotta treat him well. well the fact that u even got into a conversation with him... and you're talking about stuff, that says he's at least human and not a total ******* snob.

So i think don't let it affect you.. and if what u described was my supervisor, i wouldnt mind at all. Id be happy as long as he treats You fair thats all thats important.

Sup Phyl

Active member
Some people aren't going to be as intelligent as others, and even though that is irritating it can't be helped and it should be expected. If you don't like speaking to him then simply don't. If he says anything that offends you, make sure you have a witness (otherwise it's just your word against his) and report him for it. Don't get wound up (at least not noticably) when you're working with him, otherwise you'll be the one who gets in trouble.


Well-known member
Grin and bear it. Just relax, don't take him seriously and start looking for another job. You will probably meet a lot more people like that in the future, and just be glad they are not family.

"You can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed person."


Well-known member
I’ve always despised supervisors. There is something about being around people who get off telling you what to do that I find quite objectionable; and all for a few $ more each month.

But you still got to play it cool. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.


Well-known member
I’ve always despised supervisors. There is something about being around people who get off telling you what to do that I find quite objectionable; and all for a few $ more each month.

But you still got to play it cool. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

not all supervisors get off on telling people what to do.some of us just want things to be peaceful,pleasant and fair. then there are some of us who find it rather sad and annoying that people can't just do what's expected of them without needing to be told more than once. :)

the person op is talking about could be anyone, this sort of ignorant behavior isn't exclusive to supervisors or people in charge.


Well-known member
I couldn't stand working for my dad because he is one of the most bigoted people I know. I dealt with his commentary partly by ignoring him, partly just letting him talk while I worked, and a little bit of trying to see his side of things, or at least nodding and saying, "maybe so." There were times when I could steer the conversations toward safer topics like gardening or animals, but he would always manage to get an extremely politically incorrect statement in there somewhere. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that every day anymore.


Well-known member
There were times when I could steer the conversations toward safer topics like gardening or animals, but he would always manage to get an extremely politically incorrect statement in there somewhere.

Are you sure we're not siblings?

I’ve always despised supervisors. There is something about being around people who get off telling you what to do that I find quite objectionable; and all for a few $ more each month.

A rather narrow viewpoint. And one day when you are older you will probably end up being one of the supervisors.(and be glad of the extra money.)


Well-known member
I work with arseholes everyday. Work with them long enough you learn to forget about it.

Here's what I've learned after having been through all sorts of crazy sh*t...

Focus on the shift. Focus on the best times to take your break... Which stall in the bathroom is the choicest... where you like to park, who'll run out for coffee, or lunch... Pay attention to all the little things that are important to you, & most importantly, getting the job done.
Keep talk limited to small talk, & make sure to focus on how he can help you get your end of things done. Or, on how to work around him to get your job done.
It's tough, but we're lucky to be working at all. It's not worth the stress and strain to make issues over personal opinions and things. Pick your battles, make them about the work itself. It'll pay off in the long run. :)

Unless you are bullied. That's a whole different topic.

Good luck.


That is not working with an *******. Thats just working with a bigot.
An ******* is someone that treats you badly, bullys you and tries to make you feel small and stupid.
If his stupidity is the only problem, then just ignore it. If he is making life hard for you because of his ego/dominance/bullying/inappropriate behaviour etc...that is an entirely different matter.
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