I have a part-time job. I really need the money as I am literally broke. I am also very VERY depressed right now, even borderline suicidal. How do I cope with a job that deals with the public?
The most awful part of it is, my workplace is OBSESSED with their employees always presenting a smiling face at all times. I hate to sound super negative, but for people like me this is hard to keep up constantly when you feel like absolute crap.
To illustrate just how obsessed they are, I came in to work one day and my manager asked me how I was. I gave what I thought was a fairly normal reply without attempting to sound super fake cheerful and said, "I'm alright" in a not-gloomy-but-not-super-happy voice. He responded, "Just alright!?" and seemed annoyed that I wasn't super happy and energetic. What do these people want, superhuman robots? I'm going through a very bad time (understatement), I'm not exactly Miss USA all-smiles. Please forgive me.
I was eating one of their sandwiches once and my manager said, "How is it?" Honestly, it wasn't the best sandwich I'd ever had but it wasn't bad, so I said, "It's good." He said, "Good!? Just good!?" Ugh! What does he want, "It's FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!"
Oh, and they don't even let us use our cellphones on our break. And they make us stand in line to get our food, which cuts into our break time (only 20 minutes to begin with) by a LOT.
Anyway, rant aside... How do YOU all cope with a job if you have one, if you are depressed? Especially if you have a job in customer service where it is basically a requirement for you to smile all the time and be super friendly.