How Tall Are You?


Well-known member
I'm 175 cm. Not short not tall. However my height was certainly an issue growing up. I was always the youngest and shortest kid in class and people always felt the need to point that out. It probably contributed a lot to my self consciousness and low self esteem.


Well-known member
I am just under 6'1"

I don't really mind it, I just get tired of shorter people asking me to reach stuff for them lol.

Lmao, i have to ask my brother to reach all the pots and pans in our cupboards for me, my mum puts them too high (they're both taller than me). ::p:


Well-known member
6'3". I feel inadequate when people around me are taller. When I'm tallest, have the biggest hands, feet, etc., I tend to feel better about myself.


Well-known member
Im 5'5'' and i think thats a perfect height for women.. It always reminds me of the song lyrics "she's 5'5'' with brown eyes, smile like the sunrise"


New member
6'9" I hated being tall while growing up, but now I'm comfortable with it. I also find taller girls to be very attractive.