How Tall Are You?

Many people are sensitive about their height. I was just wondering if yours positively or negatively impacts your life, if you're content with it, etc.

I'm 6'5''/1.96m. It makes me feel more awkward, at times.
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I'm 5'6½". It would be nice to be a couple of inches taller, but my height is one of the few things about myself that doesn't really make me feel that bad. It's the last thing I would change about my appearance.


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I'm 5'4' but I don't feel as much insecure about my height as about my body frame. To tell you the truth I really don't know whether my body frame is big or small, or even medium, however, at times when I'm around people I feel big and out of perspective. Short people tend to have larger bones, and I don't really like having large bones, I prefer being petite and slim. I've seen, though, in pictures of me standing beside other people where sometimes I can look small or big as compared to them. I guess it depends as to whom I'm comparing the size of my body frame.


5,4 maybe 5,3,the last time I got measured I was drunk.When I ring people sometimes and they ask who is it,I have to say it's "little" Danny before they realize who it is :rolleyes:.

It doesnt bother me much,there are some days I wouldnt mind being taller like when I get id'd despite being 24,but I feel like it adds to my personality.I never got bullied for it,the only thing was Ive had a few girls say I would be fit if I was taller which hurt a bit.

I can honestly say I dont think its really affected me or my anxiety In a bad way.
6'0''- i now look down on people in a physical sense in which i have to lower my head to see them


Well-known member
about 5'6.... also pretty skinny (male btw)

it has worsened my social situation.. all my life i was scared to speak up and be known in fear of ridicule. Ive grown (no pun intended) to accept my height though but it does bother me from time to time, but im just glad i wasnt born with an ugly face or something, id take my height over being average anyday.


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I'm 5'6". Pretty short for a male. I think the average is around 5'10" or so. The only time I really cared was when I was about 17 and my little brother was getting taller then me. He's about 5'10. Doesn't matter though, I can still take him ::p:


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I'm 5'10" & female, which is tall for my sex. But I still wouldn't change it & like that I'm tall, even though I do feel uncomfortable wearing certain shoes because they make me tower over guys & guys are "supposed" to be taller than girls.
I'm 5'10" & female, which is tall for my sex. But I still wouldn't change it & like that I'm tall, even though I do feel uncomfortable wearing certain shoes because they make me tower over guys & guys are "supposed" to be taller than girls.

I find tall girls very attractive. Something about them.
6'5" is an awesome height to be! If I were a guy, I'd want to be that tall too. Or even taller. I think it would be awesome to tower over everyone. Awkward? I cab understand if you were 7'2"...

True. I'm not 7'2'', but still tower over most people. I guess I feel as if there's really no chance of going incognito. I stick out everywhere I go, and when that fact is so beside social anxiety to begin with, things can become delicate. Not to say that everyone is watching me, no, but it can feel that way in my head.