How people see us with SA

I'm thinking how the people see us with social anxiety/phobia , I kind figured out that everybody sees me like the guy who doesn't care about the things and doesn't talk to them because I'm superior or something that I'm quiet because I want and don't like them, while everybody have to talk even if don't like the person and be fake but educated too.
Normal people when is insecure talks more to make everybody think they are fine, its incredible how they don't understand why Im quiet and take it to personal side, some people have once asked me if I was too good to talk to them. I want to know what you guys think about it.


Well-known member
yes basically the exact same. It's an interesting point you made how 'normal' people talk MORE when they're insecure, yet we're the opposite.
I always thought that everyone thought I was retarded/a mute, who couldn't do anything right... but this is what my social phobia tells me, in reality this is fictitious... too many instances to prove me wrong, but I still believe it. :(
Some people find quietness rude/snobby I've found, whilst others actually find it endearing. I guess I find it a pain in the *** because it's a social facade, we're trapped here somewhere under this. No-one else can read your mind, and don't understand why we are like this just by looking at us.
Overall I think most people have a positive perception of me despite this, because I don't cause trouble, I'm polite and I generally know what I'm doing. It's literally only the douchebags of human beings who have an issue, surprisingly. So maybe SP has it's advantages in weeding out who's nice an who isn't. ;)


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"normal" people see me depress or just someone who is "anti-social" I'm not trying to be any of those I try to talk but my anxiety gets the best of me, it has 'cause people to get frustrated with me they usually tell me "can you stop nodding and use words" or "can you talk?" but I think the meanest thing that someone has ever said was "I don't like you 'cause you don't talk" I don't know why people are so mean just because someone is too "quiet" I really dislike people.


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I think they initially see us as stuck up. That progresses to seeing us as extremely shy which usually progresses to seeing us as weird.


Well-known member
I notice that people tend to see children/adolescents with SA as very shy. But they see adults with SA as either stuck up or just weird.
I think it depends on the severity of your SA. Unfortunately, the more quiet you are the more people are more apt to view you as weird or yes sometimes stuck-up. It really depends on your overall disposition. I know some with SA who are clearly nice and just come off as very shy/nervous, and some with SA who are more curt in their words and seem a little... misanthropic, maybe? They may not be, it's just how they come off.

I'd consider my own SA to be mild to moderate now depending on the situation, but when I used to have it really bad I remember people usually just thought I was too nervous/insecure to interact. I think the stuck-up view is less common than others thinking the person is just afraid/insecure. Not that either one is all that great.
I notice that people tend to see children/adolescents with SA as very shy. But they see adults with SA as either stuck up or just weird.

This is sort of true in my experience as far as adults seeing children with social anxiety as "just shy", but those children's peers will still view them as weird. Basically it's a peer thing. As a child the other kids find you weird and the adults feel sorry for you or think it's cute. As an adult the other adults find you weird and well, if you're a teacher the children (your students) probably find you weird as well :p


Well-known member
^Yeah, there's a general mindset that shyness/SA is something that kids are expected to "grow out of" once they reach adulthood, that it somehow disappears when you turn 18. But we all know it's not true.