How old you all?


Well-known member
I just turned 21 this past Saturday. I'm really beginning to wish I could go back to being 15 and fix things before they got so out of hand. I'm still young and have plenty of time (I suppose), but looking back I have already wasted the most carefree years of my life.
I'm already at the age when even if I do meet friends we'll have to schedule our time together around work and school and other things that take up so much of people's time these days. So to me that freedom of time to get to know people feels like it has already generally slipped away.


Well-known member
23 years, 2 months, 11 days, 8 hours, 15 minutes, 30 seconds and counting (to be exact) but as some of you I feel older than I am (about 123! :) )


Well-known member
26 at heart...36 in reality :( ...time flies the older you get... i havent given up working on finding my ship but would settle for a rowboat really.