How many friends is one supposed to have?

I was just thinking today after reading some stuff online, how many friends do you have to have in life? If you have say 2 like me lol, is that not enough? and maybe some aquaintances. It seems like most people don't have a lot of close close friends. People at most seem to have 5 and everyone else is an aquaintance. So whats the big deal if you have 1 or 2 close friends? And there's people that don't seem to stay friends with people for years and years, its rare when you can find that. I'm just wondering because we have S.P. and AvPD and other problems..and it seems like we are pushed to make lots of friends and be a social butterfly. The way I see it, people that don't have S.P etc don't have a big circle of friends either. So what gives?

And I understand the fact that wanting to be friends with someone and you can't because of S.P is really tough. But I mean if your content with the friends you have..if its just 1 or 2.
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I think it depends on the individual. But I think that for myself, having no friends isn't something I'm happy with. I'm not sure if I feel a "push" to have a lot of friends, but more of a push to just have the ability to easily converse and relate to most other people- whether they end up being close friends or not.


Well-known member
There's no golden number in how many friends you should have. It's upto the individual and what they feel comfortable with.
There's no golden number in how many friends you should have. It's upto the individual and what they feel comfortable with.

I not so much posing the question in a literal sense. I'm basically saying whats the big deal if you only have 1 or 2 friends.
There's just this underlying pressure in life to make friends with lots of people, that I know sometimes we feel. When in reality most people only have a few close friends anyway.


Thing is... if you can talk to people and able to catch their interests, then you don't need friends.


Well-known member
Well, i think the number of friends one is suppose to have depends on the individual. Some feel comfortable with a small circle of say 4-5 close friends, some might seemingly have alot of friends, but they aren't very close to each other in reality, something like friends you go clubbing with, but you don't share personal problems with them. For myself, I really only do have one internet friend, no other friends. The only other people I come into contact with everyday are my family and colleagues.


Well-known member
It all depends on the individual. I think you would be lucky to find 2-3 real friends who have your back through thick and thin. I have 2 friends like that. I don't need to know 100 "friends", a few of my aquiantances do that and they really don't have anybody in a time of need, becuase they are not close to any of them and are just as lonely as me.


Well-known member
I have a lot of what I call acquaintances, when I take the time I get along well with pretty much everyone. These people aren't really friends though, just stop by to talk with me and go on their way. I can say I have three very close friends. My best friends actually. If all the rest were to go away it'd be fine because I'd have them and that's really all I need.

I don't think the amount of friends you want to have or how many you acquire is going to make you feel any better. I'm sure it'll give you a false sense of security in a way but most of them won't have your back and those that do you can be lucky to call the good ones. In the end they'll be who you'll want by your side all the time, whether it's five people or just one singular person.


Well-known member
I don't think it's necessarily a big deal if you only have 1 or 2 close friends. I think in reality, nearly everyone only has 1 or 2 friends that would classify as "close" - the rest are just people that share a few of the same hobbies/interests. But I guess it would depend on what your definition of a "close friend" is too.

"Go through your phone book, call people and ask them to drive you to the airport. The ones who will drive you are your true friends. The rest aren't bad people; they're just acquaintances.” ~ Jay Leno
It's just the hype to be popular and have many friends. But nobody is pushing you to have friends. Only you are the one who has to decide that.
And you're never too old to make new friends,
You can make friends online, you can go to a social club to make friends,
Or do a sport.. whatever.. There are always good people around.
But it's the SA what makes it harder to make friends.
I think it doesnt matter how many friends you are, the only thing that counts is who you are. and what you do.

I dont have many friends too, but I also force myself to have friends, cuz I dont wanna be lonely, but It's hard for me to hang out with friends, cuz of the SA,
it makes me very anxious. But I do have friends. And they are really supportive.
And the most supportive people I know are my family. And family is a part of ur own, you can see them as friends too. Cuz you hang out with them alot ;)


Well-known member
I think its a big pressure now to look like you have lots of friends and be social because of things like facebook/myspace/twitter/blogs....certain TV shows/media. Everything is now based around popularity which can be hard for people with SP or avoident personality.

I myself don't really have many very close friends, most of the people i know I'm not that close to and won't really tell them very personal stuff to.


Active member
I think that having a lot of friends could help me overcome SA.
Can you imagine how much social practise i could do with let's say 5 or more individuals?
Beside this having let's say 1 or 2 friends, can help if it gives you the strength to face social places that you normally won't face on your one


Well-known member
i have about 4-5 close friends. I've known them for about 15 years and i feel very blessed to have them. I have about 40 acquaintances that some consider me to be their friend, but i dont consider anyone a friend if i still get anxious around them. how could i?
I dont have many friends too, but I also force myself to have friends, cuz I dont wanna be lonely, but It's hard for me to hang out with friends, cuz of the SA,
it makes me very anxious.

See, for me, I think I would be perfectly fine with the "hanging out" part... it's how to even make friends in the first place that has me stuck. I don't know how to force myself to have friends. Any real life friends I've had in the past (it's been five years since I saw the last one) were people that approached me and were persistent. I have a few online friends, but they live too far away for me to see them on a regular basis.


Well-known member
i have work freinds , and i used to go out with my mates in a gang about 7 of us a few years ago but i dont see my old mates that much anymore , i spend a lot of time in my own company these days ... as far as a close freind is Concerned i do have to say nope , well online freinds yes , but i dont really think i need a really close freind in real life , if i want to go out ill just ring my brother up to go out for a beer or whatever , or my old freinds it would only take a phone call , maybe im turning into a hermit ...
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Well-known member
Even if I were able to be social, I still wouldn't want a lot of friends. I'd be happy with just 2 or 3. I don't think anyone expects people to have a large amount of friends, I just think it depends on the person. People are expected to have some friends, though, so if you're like me & have none, people don't understand that.


I am not sure, I have none. I am starting to lose hope in it and care less and less about it. Maybe one day I will find a good friend.

Bullied Anonymous

Well-known member
My entire life I've had a bunch of seasonal friends and 1 root friend. Seasonal friends don't know you like your root. They're more like leaves. You wear them on the outside like they wear you. They don't understand exactly how you feel and who you are; they're more of acquaintences-People to get you through the day. However, your root knows you inside and out ,and I found that you only need one of these to feel happy, accepted, understood, and loved.
There's some type of old saying my grandma used to say, that goes to this. I just don't remember