How long do you guys think your SP will last?

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
How long do you guys think your phobia will last for? A few days? Weeks? Years? Lifetime? For myself, ideally, possibly for a few years, but I believe I'll still have some that could last me a lifetime. :confused:


Well-known member
Eh, I guess there is no way to rid yourself entirely off of any anxiety disorder. Nor would it be desirable - The point is, anxiety is a natural component of human existence. For those who suffer from an anxiety disorder, the goal is to decrease the intensity of the feelings to a healthy level.

SAD is debilitating not because you can perceive anxiety, but because you cannot control it due to its pathologic intensity.


For the rest of my life to some degree. But I plan to have it under control in about 5 years.


Well-known member
I'd love to think it was going to go away in the next few years..and I keep thinking it will go..but i've had it pretty much all my life so I can't see why it would.

I used to think as I go older I'd naturally get more confident and comfortable with myself...turns out thats not the case!


I think it stricly depends on the individual. How hard are you willing to work at it, and how honest are you willing to be with yourself throughout the process? I don't think the completion 'date' of your treatment can be predicted, but I definitely think the recovery process can be sped up, due to one's dedication.


Well-known member
I predict my social phobia will last until about 10:00pm tomorrow night. And will resume when I sober up.


Well I've only had it for about 4 years, I've been able to feel comfortable in social situations before, so I believe if I keep trying, stay positive, and if I want it bad enough, I will get over this. Hopefully it will be a lot better by next year. I just can't see myself living with this my whole life. If other people have done it, then I can too.


Well-known member
There were many times when i thought i was cured but looking back to the happiest times in my life i realize there was still a bit of SA there. I'm 35 now and it is a lot easier than when i was younger. Maybe when i hit 40? Who knows...


Well-known member
I'm fairly sure I will always have it to some degree for the rest of my life. But I will always try to not let it get the best of me.


Well-known member
There were many times when i thought i was cured but looking back to the happiest times in my life i realize there was still a bit of SA there. I'm 35 now and it is a lot easier than when i was younger. Maybe when i hit 40? Who knows...

Same for me.. it's always been there even at my happiest times. I'm 30 and have found that the older i get the easier it is, maybe because SA and I have had time to get to know one another :D


Well-known member
I've had social anxiety since birth & I know I will have it until death. I know it will get better, but it will never go away.


Well-known member
i(and most peole around me)thought that i would grow out of it,but its just getting worse and probably th rest of my lif


Well-known member
I have to agree with everyone who said they'll probably have SA for life. I honestly cannot imagine myself without SA to some degree. I think it will always be there, but hopefully I can continue to learn how to deal with it and eventually face all my SA fears.
I'd love to think it was going to go away in the next few years..and I keep thinking it will go..but i've had it pretty much all my life so I can't see why it would.

I used to think as I go older I'd naturally get more confident and comfortable with myself...turns out thats not the case!

how old r u? :D