How jealous of a person are you?


Active member
Well, it's not so much a question of should. I can't help being jealous of Megan Fox. Chances are she's good looking without makeup too. I'm not saying that I'm ugly, but she's a hundred times better looking than me.

Looks aren't everything. If you meet someone you like, then you should only care about how they see you anyway. I'm no oil painting, but it dosen't bother me a great deal. Yeah there are times when i look at a film star or whatever and wish i'd have their lifestyle and all the rest of it, but that's more to me having too much time on my hand and not having enough things to fullfill my time. If you can find something to occupy your time, you won't be so envious of anyone else.


Well-known member
I could never be jealous of a celebrity! Even if they are the most gorgeous looking person alive because I could not stand the constent harassment by paparazzi and the stupid tabloids. I sometimes wonder if my life is better than their's... probably not but I wonder if some of them would love the solitude that I have.


Active member
When you see a girl/guy you really like talking to someone else, how does it make you feel deep down inside?
Hmm, well I don't feel as if my crush owes me some sort of attention, but if I see him talking to anyone, particularly people I don't like or popular people, I feel somewhat anxious or jealous.

He hangs out with mainly girls, so for some reason, it doesn't bother me as much when I see him talking to girls if they're his close friends.

TooShyShy said:
When you see others around you dating, falling in love, getting married, having a baby, etc. what do you think to yourself?
Well, I'm 16, so I don't really see people in my age group having babies or getting married, but I do feel envious when I see my friends and people in my year going out with other people and having sex.

But I don't feel I should be going out with just someone I feel as if I should be going out with Him. It gives me motivation at the same time.

TooShyShy said:
What would you do, if anything to change be like others???
My looks. Haha. But on the personality side, I'd simply be more confident and be less "different"/"oddball".


Well-known member
I'm not much jealous, I just have a hard time making conversation with those I don't now in person. Yeah, but I feel pretty down on myself when I see others having a good time and I am by myself. I guess you can call it jealousy because I want to be them.


Active member
i get pretty jealous when my bf spends time with or talks to his female coworkers a lot. i dunno! i guess i am getting a lot better now though. i can really trust my boyfriend though, so it helps.


Well-known member
I am only jealous of people I like,the rest can go to hell for what I care,I dont feel need to be getting in others ways,try to do always better than other people.
I don't get jealous at all... not of people/relationships, and certainly not of things- I despise materialism. But I'm not glad or relieved as you describe... I just almost never compare myself to others, and see no reason to be jealous of anything.


Well-known member
i'm envious of people who are chirpy and happy, with any positive characteristics. Anyone intelligent.. with a likable personality... someone social. envious of good looking people as well. It's not a nice quality but i'm still learning to accept myself to stop comparing myself with others.


When you see a girl/guy you really like talking to someone else, how does it make you feel deep down inside?


Inadequete, afraid that she's attracted to the guy, in other words i'm insecure.
When a girl I like talks about another guy lovingly, or coos after him... that makes me very jealous.

If a woman I fancy is expressing interest in another guy or dating him...

I feel the above listed ways+. I've heard that some women will deliberately praise or romance other guys in front of someone they like more, thinking this will make him try harder to court her. I feel hurt regardless. These other guys are potential partners and I will only ever be a friend. I become miserable and cease to compete unless she later pays some attention to me. What's the point? ::(:
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When you see a girl/guy you really like talking to someone else,
how does it make you feel deep down inside?

It all depends on the context, if they are good friends and are close then
my insecurities will kick in and I think I might get a little jealous.
But I tell myself not to be, well, try at least.

When you see others around you dating, falling in love,
getting married, having a baby, etc. what do you think to yourself?

I think that I am a loser and wonder why it has to be so different for

What would you do, if anything to change be like others???
I usually do not strive to be like others and try to be happy about myself.
I try to keep myself busy and try to work on myself as best as I can.

If you are NOT jealous..what are you then, relieved it's not you?
Glad you are not being ''forced'' to step out of your comfort zone?

I think for me it is more insecurity then jealousy.
If a woman I fancy is expressing interest in another guy or dating him...

I feel the above listed ways+. I've heard that some women will deliberately praise or romance other guys in front of someone they like more, thinking this will make him try harder to court her. I feel hurt regardless. These other guys are potential partners and I will only ever be a friend. I become miserable and cease to compete unless she later pays some attention to me. What's the point? ::(:
I have often wondered the same, about women trying to make men
jealous so that they will make a move.
Ladies do women actually do such things?


Well-known member
When you see a girl/guy you really like talking to someone else, how does it make you feel deep down inside?

yes, I feel jealous when that happens.

but when I have a girlfriend and I think she likes me, I dont feel jealous. but when/if she loses my trust I get extremely jealous


Well-known member
I'm only jealous if I don't trust enough of my partner.

Other stupid things I do get jealous over
1. Someone else having a six-pack stomach and my partner gives a positive comment on it.
2. Not having a V8 under the bonnet.

A girl i liked when i was in college kept talking about how her ex had a six pack. Anyone can get a six pack if you starve yourself and excercise...But honestly it would be pretty boring if that was your only goal in life!

I'd rather have a v8 under my bonnet baby!


Well-known member
If a woman I fancy is expressing interest in another guy or dating him...

I feel the above listed ways+. I've heard that some women will deliberately praise or romance other guys in front of someone they like more, thinking this will make him try harder to court her. I feel hurt regardless. These other guys are potential partners and I will only ever be a friend. I become miserable and cease to compete unless she later pays some attention to me. What's the point? ::(:

If any girl would do that to me it would turn me off them. I would think ''that's it they don't have any interest in me'' and i would not want to see them again. How the hell does making a guy feel insecure make him want to date her? This is mental torture playing mind games like this!
I get jealous quite frequently with girls I have feelings for, no matter how long I have known them, and it has ruined many relationships because they couldn't stand it. I don't blame them. I feel like a loser for it.


Well-known member
I'm not a particularly jealous person. I can be at times, like any human being. I'm not really jealous of people that are in love, having babies, etc., though. When I was alone (I'm surprised I'm not single anymore), I didn't envy those who were in relationships. I just felt crappy about myself and the fact that it seemed like nobody ever wanted me.

As far as having babies go, I'm definitely not envious of people who have kids. I don't want any and I'm sure I'd make a horrible parent.

I am, however, jealous of people that don't suffer from mental disabilities. I don't believe that ANYONE is 100% sane and/or mentally stable. But I become envious of people that don't have panic attacks, OCD or any of the things I go through. I often wonder what the hell I did to deserve this crap.

/end gay rant.


Well-known member
jealous... eh rarely, most of the time I just feel like crap and endure it.

But sometimes I ear things like a guy saying "oh I'm so sad my girlfriend left me" or something like that and I get angry and think "at least you had a girlfriend". Ya know, stuff like that. I know its not reasonable to be angry, but oh well.