How do you feel when you wake up?


New member
I noticed that my SA is much weaker right after waking up. It's especially noticeable if a phone wakes me up and I immediately answer it; I'm able to carry out a decent conversation even with people I don't know (usually when I talk there's always the voice in my head saying something like "you're about to say something stupid"). The effect, however, wears off in 1-2 minutes.

How do you feel after waking up?


great thread :)
i usually wake up in a panic, then i seem to be calm for a short while, then the anxiety kicks in again for the rest of the time im awake


Well-known member
now that you mention it, I do feel more relaxed. But, like you said, only a few minutes after waking up.

Pretty useless.


Well-known member
like **** sometimes , i lie there when the alarm goes off and my mind seems troubled , i think about the way the world is how cruel people are to eachother , how cruel people are to animals , all stuff iv read in the papers over a period of time , some things i read never go away , like a child being killed by there parents , all that kind of stuff , its like my fkn mind is full of that kind of crap , but when i get up and start getting on with the day i tend to let it slide forget it .......
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Well-known member
If I wake up late I don't feel good. It feels like I've wasted time and that makes me feel really anxious for the rest of the day.


Well-known member
I'm a total grouch when I wake up. I hate everything and everybody... If you talk to me before my coffee or shower, you'll likely be completely ignored.


Well-known member
I feel tired, no matter how long or short I have slept. I usually want to go back to bed.


Well-known member
I usually feel alright until I stand up, then I just want to go back to sleep instantly.
This is probably very common though :p


Well-known member
I wake up soooo tired if i've slept really long and just wanna sleep in bed forever hehe. ::eek:: but if i've slept little, i wake up wide awake. :eek: And i also really need to pee lol!

I wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy... lol

Haha! :D
It's late morning now and I've yet to sleep. Couldn't sleep well for days and even weeks. I feel downright murderous.

Edit: No... cancel the days and weeks... I can't remember ever sleeping normally for more than a couple of days after I'm five. A lot of pent up rage.
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