What is your curse? I think you could find a like minded girlfriend. Just don't try for a social butterfly.
It's hard to have a girlfriend, with the faults I have, which is many. I'm also not like most girls, I'm different from most people. I prefer to hang out,be oing outdoors activity, plus I'm a Naturist. Naturists are generally very excepting. But finding one that is for me, that is my type is hard. The person I'm looking for is rare are very specific. It takes someone special to accept me. It's hard to explain. I will probably do up a profile on the type of girl who most likely to accept me. Finding someone who is "normal" would be more than a miracle (whatever that is). I'm shy, and stuff, when I get to kniow someone, I am open. Having a friend would be a different level for me, becuase it's not something I am used to. I don't know how to approch it, know what do to, what to say and not etc. A girl would be really accepting and not judgmental. She would spend a lot of time with me, as I really need to be with someone. She would also be very understanding. Not likely she would be into parties and stuff. It is highly likely that she is very similar to me.
About my curse. It's a misery curse. I don't know what kind, I'm not that smart of curses. I don't even know why I have it. I never used to believe in them, until, a few years, I started piecing it together, how so many things are just a coincidence. Things just happen at the right (wrong) time.
It is pretty predictable, given any scenario, I can predict the outcome.
The curse, has a way of making me miserable, no matter what. If I try to become successful at something, it all ways goes wrong, whether I think it or not, whether I'm positive or not. If I get close to someone, something always happens, like they move away or something.
The curse isn't dangerous and only effects me. I try to maje a new friend, never works out, for some reason or another, they end up hating me, thinking I'm a freak or something. I'm left there thinking, what did I do wrong? Porbably explains why a lot of girls judge me on first look. THe curse sends them a message, they get the feeling, that I'm a creep or weirdo and not someone they want to hang out with. No matter what.
When the curse is up to something, I can usually sense it. I've gone through a lot of ambarresing moments, which I wish not to discuss.
Things just happen for no reason, and always at the right time too. Like I'll be typing something really important, and my Fox will crash. It never crashes any other time. Something that is important to me, it intervenes, nothing I can do about it.
There is so many coincidence, like my speech acting up when I try to explain something, every time. I only get 10% of the information out, and it ends up being vague. I try to explain something, Something happens, someone misunderstands what I say, they often laugh and reticule me. There is always something. I always notice, that when I'm in high spirits. Something ALWAYS happens soon enough. Something embarrassing or upsetting. I hate it when you're in a really good mood, then BAM! Something happens in a split second, your mood is the opposite.
Sometimes, things mysteriously happen without a reasonable explanation. It's hard to prove. Most curses are very good at what they do.
Here's a good one!
I get canker sores on my tongue, usually 1-2 times a year. Anyway. It took me a few years after high school to be ready for a job. As soon as I'm ready for a job. I get canker sores, like nothing. I get one days apart. These canker sores I get are extremely painful and miserable. I can't get a job because of them. I get a few a month, they last a bout a week or two, when it gets better, another comes in a couple of days later. It's been like that ever since December 2010, when I was finally ready for a job. I can't work, because I require so much time off. I could barely work. The pain is paralysing. It brings tears to my eyes.
I go to the doctor and a few specialists. They don't have an answer. Nothing I did differently to make the canker sores go so rapid.
Every time I try to communicate with someone, my speech acts up, where I don't make sense, sometime I make up my own words. I have a Brain Processing Disorder. Something I made up. It's when the brain signals get mixed and your speech and stuff don't work as good. It;s most noticeably when trying to explain something. When I try to make friends. They end up hating me, soon enough. I did nothing to upset them, but they just sense that I'm not someone they should talk to. I wonder where that came from? The curse. You know how you get a feeling out of no where, even though they have done nothing wrong. Yep, the curse. Every time too!
The only thing I've been successful is getting my drivers license, I have a car, and I'm usually good at fixing computers (as long as nothing mysteriously happens to them.
Another example. I bought an external HDD. After I copied all my data too it and the next time I turned it on. Guess what! The disk partition could not be found. Everything had been erased because the table is just gone. I never had that problem before. Lost a crap load of stuff.
It wasn't just the HDD, it ad to do with the external HDD enclosure. How do you explain that? I couldn't. Neither could a few specialists I've talked to, couldn't figure it out. The disk wouldn't even properly format. I had to put my Dad's HDD in the external HDD enclosure, which that one was all I had at the time. I put it in. Same thing happens to my Dad's computer. His business computer. Lost all his emails, documents and stuff. Now he makes sure to have a backup.
I can't have a girlfriend, even a friend because of the curse. I am just meant to be miserable. I've tried everything. No matter what, it ends up in failure.This has been years.
Just like this poor bloke:
Forever With Autism: Would You Date Or Have A Relationship With A Guy Like This?
It is so awful, the stuff I go through.
I hope some of this makes sense.