how did you find this site?


how did you find this site?

i found it by accident. one of the moderators kindly got back to me and said that he stumbled across it.

im so glad i found this site though.

would you ever think about typing ''

maybe its a sign! lol

who owns this site? stuff facebook, bebo, and tagged

i love this site


Well-known member
I typed in Google 'social phobia forums', or something similar to that, and I think this was the first social anxiety message board I came across.


I must have known about this site since about 2004, very long before I signed in. I came across it in my search for cure.. But I visited it only very rarely.


Well-known member
Hm, I was looking into AvPD, and came across this forum as well as a few others. Seeing as this one had a number of interesting sub-forums, a simple layout (I didn't much like the design for psychforums social phobia board) and a good number of active members; I joined.


Well-known member
I was googling social anxiety Ireland or something like that because i was trying to find an SA site with ppl form my country and this came up


Well-known member
I think I was doing a Google search on social anxiety. It has been so long ago now. It took me a long time after I joined to start posting. I kind of stayed in lurk-mode for a while. ::eek:: I'm very happy I found this site. It's my favorite SAD forum that I have come across, and the one I am most active on.