How bad is your Social Anxiety?


Well-known member
Depending on my awareness of my surroundings, it can be moderate to hardly noticeable.

With proper sleep, exercise and generous doses of coffee, I can be fairly sociable.


Well-known member
I spaz out from time to time. I can honestly say it's more of a shyness thing nowadays but i'm working in London over the summer on a multi million building site doing work that i only have a few months experience in ... *throws up*

[Edit] Ohhh there's a test uhhh 6.

SpongeBob: Okay, Mrs. Puff, what’s my final score?

Mrs. Puff: 6.

SpongeBob: Whoo! And how many do I need to pass?

Mrs. Puff: 6...

SpongeBob: (raising arms slowly) Oooooooooooo….

Mrs. Puff: …hundred.

SpongeBob: Huh?

Mrs. Puff: 600. You need 600 to pass... you got 6.
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Well-known member
41(fear) + 27(avoidance) = 68

I can go to meetings, concerts, protests but I suffer from fear but I go because my will to go there is bigger than fear.

my score was almost identical: 40 fear, 24 avoidance -- and i respect your mindset. never let your fears stop you from doing the things you want to do in life and reaching your goals. i choose to fight and drive on, regardless of how painful it is.


Well-known member
my score was almost identical: 40 fear, 24 avoidance -- and i respect your mindset. never let your fears stop you from doing the things you want to do in life and reaching your goals. i choose to fight and drive on, regardless of how painful it is.


Exactly how I feel; great way of putting it! Hard as it is sometimes and sometimes the fear gets a foothold, but everyone can fight it back.

A l a n

Active member
38(fear) + 23(avoidance) = 62
You have moderate social anxiety.

Just about what I expected.
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Oh my god, I'm shocked. My score was 27; it said, "You do not suffer from social anxiety." It's possible I may not have answered completely accurately, but..... I felt I did! I would have answered the same if I had taken it over again. Is this test really accurate? How can that be? Anyway, I guess if it's not true that I DON'T have it, at least this shows that it's not as bad as I think it may be, and certainly not as bad as other people's. Hmmm.


41(fear) + 27(avoidance) = 68

I can go to meetings, concerts, protests but I suffer from fear but I go because my will to go there is bigger than fear.

Exactly! I often have fear when it comes to some of those situations mentioned on the test, but I answered that I don't avoid most of the situations because I really don't. I have a very stubborn nature and I refuse to let my fear get the best of me, so I often force myself to do things. So far it's been working out okay.


Well-known member
Oh my god, I'm shocked. My score was 27; it said, "You do not suffer from social anxiety." It's possible I may not have answered completely accurately, but..... I felt I did! I would have answered the same if I had taken it over again. Is this test really accurate? How can that be? Anyway, I guess if it's not true that I DON'T have it, at least this shows that it's not as bad as I think it may be, and certainly not as bad as other people's. Hmmm.

Well it is just an online quiz, nothing officially sanctioned about it. It's not intended for diagnosis or anything, but just to get a general idea.
And I agree that within SA that there are different levels of severity, and some people have it worse than others.


Well-known member
Exactly how I feel; great way of putting it! Hard as it is sometimes and sometimes the fear gets a foothold, but everyone can fight it back.
absolutely. even though we can't control our fear, we CAN control how we act in response to it. it's just a matter of having the intestinal fortitude to not allow fear to get the best of you.

Exactly! I often have fear when it comes to some of those situations mentioned on the test, but I answered that I don't avoid most of the situations because I really don't. I have a very stubborn nature and I refuse to let my fear get the best of me, so I often force myself to do things. So far it's been working out okay.
much respect to you beatrice.