Hitting yourself


Well-known member
Does anyone else hit themselves? I just hit myself pretty hard in the side of my chin twice and hit my arm and hand a bunch of times because I was feeling so angry and frustrated and thoughts were racing through my head. I started shaking and feeling like I wanted to break everything around me. This happens to me a lot, but I rarely hit myself. Sometimes little things will set me off and cause me to get like that but I won't hurt myself. But today has been stressful and frustrating since I woke up. And now it's 3 in the morning and I can't sleep because of issues I'm having with someone. A hand full of different things happened today (some major some very minor) that have caused me to get very angry and sad. So does anyone else here hit themselves instead of doing stuff like cutting or those types of things?


Well-known member
I do sometimes. Not as badly as I used to though. During one of those overwhelmed moments, I find myself hitting my head repeatedly until it feels i've knocked off a couple of brain cells. Sometimes it's impossible not to.


Well-known member
i have punched my fist against the fridge freezer and once I also bashed my head against the glass door of my car while sitting in the driver's seat.


Well-known member
I used to do it a lot when i was anorexic. I have also scratched my arm repeatedly with a pin and burnt my arm with a hot pin.

Also i have kicked doors and punched the fridge/freezer in the past. I still feel guilty about denting my parents fridge years ago and kicking a hole in the garage door::(:


Well-known member
Yeah. I actually felt like this yesterday.
I hate it. Seems like the feelings will never go away.


Well-known member
Only very recently is when I've had the urge to do this. Which is very strange to me. I just get frustrated and of course am in a depressive state around the time. I've never been one to do any type of self harm. Well, not really. Well, never had an urrrrrge to. Until like, a couple weeks ago. Just gets to the point where I really just hate myself. Though I don't think I've really hit myself. I just think that I want to do it, but I don't. A couple times I've put my hands on my throat and squeezed a bit just to see what it feels like. And sometimes shove my face in my pillow until I absolutely need to come up for a breath. It's strange to me, definitely.


Well-known member
I did a couple times in the past when my anxiety/depression was just overwhelming... thankfully I quickly got out of that... I really didn't like feelin that way...


Active member
I used to hit my head against the wall or hit surfaces that I knew wouldn't give, like metal, because I used to hate myself so much for messing up and felt like I should be hurt.

Don't do that anymore, and I hardly ever feel like that anymore.. thank goodness. Now I have to stop calling myself stupid. :p
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Hope you don't mind the question, but are you taking any medication?

I've had the same intense urge to hit myself and break things along with shaking and racing thoughts, but only on certain meds.


Well-known member
lots of people do it. my brother always does it when he's playing on the playstation and he's 29... lol
i sometimes just punch stuff when i'm angry or frustrated. one time i punched through the glass in a door, but i didn't mean to :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I don't hit myself, but i do scratch my legs so much especially when im crying. I have such disgusting legs from all scabs and cuts.


Well-known member
Yes, when I'm frustrated, I'll get physically angry and very,very often I'll break something.

When I learned that my ex was getting married I punched a hole in my bathroom door...cut myself up pretty bad.

Damn...I've done some things I really am not proud of!


Well-known member

Hope you don't mind the question, but are you taking any medication?

I've had the same intense urge to hit myself and break things along with shaking and racing thoughts, but only on certain meds.

Yes I am. I've been on several and currently am on one. But I've always had these feelings and done this stuff (rarely done it though) even before taking medications. Right now I'm on Lithium.
I kicked a hole in the wall one time and threw a few things that broke a window. When i was little I yanked a tooth loose. Is this common in bipolar disorder or something else?


Well-known member
Yeah I punch myself and cry at the same time, when I think about all the mean things I said to my ex-best friend/girlfriend. If I'm so lonely why did I hurt and push away the one person I need the most. I'll never understand that. Now I'm alone and misserable and I have no one to blame but myself.


Well-known member
I kicked a hole in the wall one time and threw a few things that broke a window. When i was little I yanked a tooth loose. Is this common in bipolar disorder or something else?

It seems to be common among people with bipolar.