Hey Guys!


New member
Hey Everyone,

So I will start off with a little information about me. I am 22 years old male from Toronto Canada. After doing some searching on google, I came across this site and decided to sign up. I have never been diagnosed with SA, but that does not matter because I know I have it. After lurking the forums for a bit I feel that I can relate to most of the people on here. Been shy my whole life since I was in Kindergarden and now I am in college and nothing has changed. Its hard for me to make friends since most people cannot understand and relate to me since they are extroverts. I have a hard time dealing with social situations and have often been asked why are you so quiet? Anyways, that is a little background information about me. I like to keep it short. Looking forward to meeting you guys. :)


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum sjh:)!

I'm sure that your social skills have improved somewhere; we can't always see our improvement, but others can:)! Have you gone to a therapist yet? That's one thing that helped me out; your college should have one. But, I'd say you're better than me! People don't even ask me that question::p:! Well, I'm sure you'll make some friends on here and learn how to make friends out there! Hope you enjoy it here!


Well-known member
Welcome, welcome!

I lived in the city for a few years~ right across from Kensington market.
Awesome place :cool: