Heart ache


Well-known member
I've been feeling this way for two weeks. I was doing fine prior to this relapse, you may have seen positive posts by me then, now i feel pessimistic to the extreme. I feel as if my heart weighs a ton and my whole body is weak, i'm feeling depersonalized, i feel as if i'm in a terrible dream. This morning i wasn't too bad, i got up 9am and worked out for two hours.

Yes it's my loneliness that's killing me! (sounds like the Brittney Spears song!) i can see no light at the end of the tunnel, i feel as if i'm drifting away from my one friend and family.

I just feel i am a burden to everyone you know, as if i don't want to tell anyone how i feel. I'm sorry for being melodramatic but if i don't vent on here i will explode.


Well-known member
I wish I could just jump through the computer screen and hug you people.

I've been feeling a lot of despair lately as well.
I've been feeling this way for two weeks. I was doing fine prior to this relapse, you may have seen positive posts by me then, now i feel pessimistic to the extreme. I feel as if my heart weighs a ton and my whole body is weak, i'm feeling depersonalized, i feel as if i'm in a terrible dream. This morning i wasn't too bad, i got up 9am and worked out for two hours.

Yes it's my loneliness that's killing me! (sounds like the Brittney Spears song!) i can see no light at the end of the tunnel, i feel as if i'm drifting away from my one friend and family.

I just feel i am a burden to everyone you know, as if i don't want to tell anyone how i feel. I'm sorry for being melodramatic but if i don't vent on here i will explode.

Hey man i know how u feel. Been like that as well, but the only three things that keeps me from doin the unthinkable is that i know that there will be a time again that i do come out of this for a while, and i realize how wonderful it feels and my family. Oh and definetely u guys that kno xactly what im goin thru. Jus hang in there man, it will get better!!!


Well-known member
I could do with a hug. I feel distant from people more than ever. I miss getting hugs::(:

We all could do with a hug now and then, especially when we're at our worse condition (emotionally). Don't worry, you'll get through this. It's not the end of the world mate ! Even though sometimes it may feel like it is.
I've been feeling this way for two weeks. I was doing fine prior to this relapse, you may have seen positive posts by me then, now i feel pessimistic to the extreme. I feel as if my heart weighs a ton and my whole body is weak, i'm feeling depersonalized, i feel as if i'm in a terrible dream. This morning i wasn't too bad, i got up 9am and worked out for two hours.

Yes it's my loneliness that's killing me! (sounds like the Brittney Spears song!) i can see no light at the end of the tunnel, i feel as if i'm drifting away from my one friend and family.

I just feel i am a burden to everyone you know, as if i don't want to tell anyone how i feel. I'm sorry for being melodramatic but if i don't vent on here i will explode.

Wow. You put how I am feeling exactly into words. Thank you, I'm glad someone else feels this way. I've had a relapse recently and every time I relapse it feels so much worse because I've been so much better beforehand.
I hope you feel better soon. This sucks.
*hugs for everybody*


Well-known member
It'll pass recluse - always does. In the mean time, have a man hug:



Well-known member
Gives Recluse a non threatning clearly simplistic, personal bubble space friendly, 2 second long, two pat's on the back, man hug.. (((hug)))
Hey Recluse, hope you're doing okay - I had heart pains like that a while back, due to a bunch of stress and depression.

My heart eventually started doing weird things, skipping beats, and then when I tried to sleep it was like my brain wasn't getting enough oxygen, I'd get jerked awake as soon as I started drifting off. I thought my heart wasn't working right, so went to the ER, but everything turned out normal.

The body can do weird things under stress, like your muscles can get really tense in your chest and neck, even though you're not aware of it, and interfere with your heart working right and blood flow, etc. I remember even trying to meditate and relax, but it was still happening, so I thought for sure it wasn't just muscle tension, but it was. I wound up going on paxil, which helped a lot after a day or two.

In the meantime, see if you can relax the muscles of your chest. Like try taking some deep breaths and holding them, it might help make you more aware of the muscle tension, if that's what is causing it.


Well-known member
yea know how you feel mate im so close to killing my self its unreal , good looking body great , good looking yea i keep fit yea girls look at me all the time , but cant snap out of it ......... dunno what else to to do but run myself into the ground fitness wise

It makes no difference how much effort you put into your appearance, you could have the body and looks of Brad Pitt but if you feel bad about yourself it's no use.
I feel like my heart shrivelled up with all my emotions with it. I ask myself often, do I really feel anything. Also, have I ever felt LOVE.