Heard my own mom chatting about me in a negative way behind my back


Well-known member
She was chatting to my aunt who she only sees once a year or two years i heard my mom basically say im good for nothing .

I dont really care to be honest as stuff like this makes me more willing to succeed


Well-known member
If you don't care why are you sharing it? I admire your ethic about wanting to succeed


Well-known member
Aww sorry about that. I'm glad that you can at least use it to give you that extra push though. I'm sure you'll succeed.


Well-known member
Wow that sucks big time. Don't listen to the people who put you down. I'm sure you can totally prove them wrong!


Active member
Sounds like a terrible person. Like my mother. Find your own motivation. You will feel much better for it. I honestly feel some people aren't worth paying attention to.


Well-known member
i have heard my mother saying not nice things about me too, it´s hurtful. but anyway she doesn´t understand anything about who i am and what i like.
Thats sad you had to hear her saying that::(:
People will always tell you "oh, you should stop imagining that people are saying bad things about you, in reality they probably aren't".
So it really cuts deep to actually hear it said. As mentioned, you could use it as motivation to prove her wrong!:)


Well-known member
All mothers do that. After all they are worried about their children and sometimes become frustrated.


Well-known member
My mother does it too. It is obviously very upsetting, but it is best not to let it get the better of you. It is good that you use experiences like this to push yourself more to succeed though.
Do you often share experiences with her that you have succeeded in? Pove to her that you are worth something.