Having trouble eating infront of others?


Well-known member
Sometimes I jam a huge piece of whatever when noones looking so the food will disapear already and I can only drink through a straw because it feels like it's going to pour all over the place.. it feel awkward eating with someone expecially during swallowing.. ::eek:: any1 else feel this way?


Well-known member
i hate eating in front of others when i'm away from home i might not eat anything all day until i get home because i just dread going somewhere to eat with loads of people around


Well-known member
Sort of. I've always felt self-conscious, like I'm eating way too much or something.


Well-known member
Strange this came up, I was talking to a friend last night in the pub, and he drunkenly told me he can't eat in front of anyone unless they're immediate family.

I'd never really heard anyone mention this kind of thing before, but then I realised, I'd never seen this guy out with the group when we've gone for food.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i do too, i cant do it. i dont think its that abnormal either. sharing food, breaking bread with other people is a very intimate thing. its a popular symbol in literature for communion or being united. also i think all major religions make at least one ritual out of a meal. in that sense, you can see why itd make you nervous to eat infront of strangers. food for thought!


lol.. I love it now but have not always like it
.. I just want to see the look on their face when they see how much I enjoy the food.. specialy the baguette on the train :)... It feels I give them a taste of it...... strange to tell it in words


Well-known member
Sometimes. It's weird though because I don't know what makes one situation uncomfortable and another not. One meal I'll feel perfectly fine eating the messiest thing I can find in front of whoever, and the next I might have trouble eating even in front of my own family. Although it does not occur often much anymore but during high school it was a problem. Some days I would not eat or drink anything at all during school and by the end of the day I felt like I would pass out.


Well-known member
When I don't know the people, definitely. But when I'm with the few people that I know well and feel relatively comfortable around, it's not such a big deal for me anymore. The thing is, apparently I eat really slow. So by the time anyone else is finished, I'm like maybe a little over halfway done. But the few people who I feel comfortable around know that I'm like that and definitely have poked a bit of fun at me for it, ha. I guess I just take small bites or chew lots or something, I don't know. It's just how I eat without even thinking. Does anyone else it popcorn by the single kernel or is that just me?


Well-known member
The man i work with that i have posted about will not eat in front of me I AM THE ONLY ONE APPARENTLYthat i have noticed..he won't even order lunch in front of me without looking extremely uncomfortable..won't make eye contact at when he's doing it either. Then i saw him in the cafe after i was don grabbing my lucnch and he was already sitting with our coworkers, as soon as he saw me he kept jumping out of his seat to grab forks, spoons, napkins for everyone..soda, salt. pepper, ketchup, etc. he never sat for more then 3 or 4 min kep getting up to get stuff and never ate ANY of his food!!!!!!!!!!

One time i went into the lounge at work to grab coffee and he was there, not only couldn't he pour himself a cup of coffee with me standing there..i walked away so he could pour himself one bcuz i care about him and felt badly about it..but after he finally poured it, he put it down (he looked shaky) and walked away..he looked completely anxiety ridden over it..i felt horrible about it..to not be able to order..or eat lunch not to mention getting that jumpy when trying to drink coffee bcuz a girl is standing near you?

So, where does this come from..the discomfort of eating in front of someone you know, possibly someone you like alot???? He is anxious around me MOST of the time..i just never imagined eating or ordering food could ever be an issue with someone???

Thank you :)


Well-known member
I used to be embarrassed to eat in front of people because of my weight. I am not huge, but I have always been overweight.


Active member
i get mostly anxious taking a bite.
i have no idea why.
and swallowing too. sitting in the break room at work is hell.
and its always worse depending who is in there.


Well-known member
I have big issues with eating in public, like in cafes restaurants pubs etc. I avoid it most of the time but when I'm forced into it, it is very uncomfortable. I get some quite intense anxiety for some reason, which means I can't eat a lot. I'm usually fine at home though. I find the less formal the place the better I am but it is always a struggle. It's like adding food to the situation intensifies the anxiety.


Well-known member
The man i work with that i have posted about will not eat in front of me I AM THE ONLY ONE APPARENTLYthat i have noticed..he won't even order lunch in front of me without looking extremely uncomfortable..won't make eye contact at when he's doing it either. Then i saw him in the cafe after i was don grabbing my lucnch and he was already sitting with our coworkers, as soon as he saw me he kept jumping out of his seat to grab forks, spoons, napkins for everyone..soda, salt. pepper, ketchup, etc. he never sat for more then 3 or 4 min kep getting up to get stuff and never ate ANY of his food!!!!!!!!!!

One time i went into the lounge at work to grab coffee and he was there, not only couldn't he pour himself a cup of coffee with me standing there..i walked away so he could pour himself one bcuz i care about him and felt badly about it..but after he finally poured it, he put it down (he looked shaky) and walked away..he looked completely anxiety ridden over it..i felt horrible about it..to not be able to order..or eat lunch not to mention getting that jumpy when trying to drink coffee bcuz a girl is standing near you?

So, where does this come from..the discomfort of eating in front of someone you know, possibly someone you like alot???? He is anxious around me MOST of the time..i just never imagined eating or ordering food could ever be an issue with someone???

Thank you :)

Ahhh that's interesting. I think he does like you! =). If I like someone sometimes I act extra weird eating infront of them sometimes it's like being a robot eating things without chewing almost.. Does he act odd when he's doing other stuff to?


Well-known member
I have big issues with eating in public, like in cafes restaurants pubs etc. I avoid it most of the time but when I'm forced into it, it is very uncomfortable. I get some quite intense anxiety for some reason, which means I can't eat a lot. I'm usually fine at home though. I find the less formal the place the better I am but it is always a struggle. It's like adding food to the situation intensifies the anxiety.

Yea cafes are annoying with the whole ordering thing.. but it's necessary :( also when its serving time and you dont know which plate is yours haha.


Well-known member
Strange this came up, I was talking to a friend last night in the pub, and he drunkenly told me he can't eat in front of anyone unless they're immediate family.

I'd never really heard anyone mention this kind of thing before, but then I realised, I'd never seen this guy out with the group when we've gone for food.

That's a random thing to say when your drunk..:D


Well-known member
The man i work with that i have posted about will not eat in front of me I AM THE ONLY ONE APPARENTLYthat i have noticed..he won't even order lunch in front of me without looking extremely uncomfortable..won't make eye contact at when he's doing it either. Then i saw him in the cafe after i was don grabbing my lucnch and he was already sitting with our coworkers, as soon as he saw me he kept jumping out of his seat to grab forks, spoons, napkins for everyone..soda, salt. pepper, ketchup, etc. he never sat for more then 3 or 4 min kep getting up to get stuff and never ate ANY of his food!!!!!!!!!!

One time i went into the lounge at work to grab coffee and he was there, not only couldn't he pour himself a cup of coffee with me standing there..i walked away so he could pour himself one bcuz i care about him and felt badly about it..but after he finally poured it, he put it down (he looked shaky) and walked away..he looked completely anxiety ridden over it..i felt horrible about it..to not be able to order..or eat lunch not to mention getting that jumpy when trying to drink coffee bcuz a girl is standing near you?

So, where does this come from..the discomfort of eating in front of someone you know, possibly someone you like alot???? He is anxious around me MOST of the time..i just never imagined eating or ordering food could ever be an issue with someone???

Thank you :)

I am not sure if this is the reason, but one of the symptoms of anxiousness is nausea. I do not get sick myself, I tend to just get scared and freeze, but I know some people become stomach sick while being anxious. This could be the reason why he is avoiding eating, as this could make the nausea worse, or he might be afraid he may throw up. Sometimes I become self-conscious while eating in front of others, but I can usually overcome it by eating carefully, except with spaghetti or long noodles. I just feel like eating brings attention to me, and sometimes I just don’t like attracting attention. Either way, you should not feel bad, it is not your fault he is anxious. Though it is kind of you to try to alleviate it for him.


Well-known member
Oh god i had this problem so bad a few years back that i nearly fainted!

I've always wondered, how can you eat a burger nicely infront of others? i mean like of course you can use a knife and fork but that'd look silly, everyone knows it's finger food! :D


Well-known member
When I don't know the people, definitely. But when I'm with the few people that I know well and feel relatively comfortable around, it's not such a big deal for me anymore. The thing is, apparently I eat really slow. So by the time anyone else is finished, I'm like maybe a little over halfway done. But the few people who I feel comfortable around know that I'm like that and definitely have poked a bit of fun at me for it, ha. I guess I just take small bites or chew lots or something, I don't know. It's just how I eat without even thinking. Does anyone else it popcorn by the single kernel or is that just me?

lol, im the opposite when it comes to eating "speed". I eat so fast that when im done almost everyone else will only be half way finished. then I get anxious from sitting there with nothing to do while everyone finishes.