Some of these made me sick that people are so selfish and gutless.
Stand up to the bully and give it to them or they do it again and again.
What piss-weak human just does nothing?
Hi moondog, just some words of information.
I have seen where you post primarily in the sections dealing with bullying. I'm guessing you may have done a search on bullying and that's how you found this message board. This board is for people who have social phobias and being bullied is just a part of what many with this affliction go through. To tell someone with Social Anxiety to simply "stand up to the bully" and to ask things along the lines of, "what is wrong with you people??" is the equivalent of saying: Hey guys, stop having social anxiety! That's all you have to do. Problem solved!
Social Anxiety (phobia) doesn't work that way and most of us understand that. That's part of the reason we come here, so we can discuss our problems/experiences amongst people who understand because they are going thru the same thing. People who just tell us we are being silly, weak or dramatic are who we come here to escape. My suggestion is if you are looking for a forum where bullying alone is the topic, you have chosen the wrong message board. People who don't have phobias who have been bullied are probably more suited to being told to simply toughen up although I suspect the solution is more complex than that even for them.
I'm a member on many different boards (automotive forums, travel, my hometown, etc.) and I know how the internet can be. You don't agree with something someone has said or their lifestyle and it's acceptable to go at them with name calling and general disrespect. Sometimes it is brushed off and some times it turns into a full out (and I'll admit, occasionally entertaining) free for all. However, this message board isn't like that. Discussions are pretty much supportive and respectful as we are mindful of the fragility of each other's conditions. It's a great place for support but not really tough love as that's neither needed or helpful here. Most of us know we have issues and are working on ways to get over them. It's also a good resource for friendship as many with SA don't make a lot of connections in the "real world". It's just not the kind of board where it's cool to call someone a looser (the internet spelling of because you don't agree with them.
If you do have a form of social phobia, you have come to the right place and I think you will benefit from this forum. Just be mindful of the culture here.