have you ever lied to get out of going to a social event?

I actually used to lie ALL THE TIME to avoid social events, or situations that even had the potential to become socially interactive with other people. However, now that I know more about myself and that i deal with SA, I tell people the truth if I don't want to be involved with a certain event coming up. I found that it made things easier, and more friends that I thought have actually understood my situation. Of course, I still have those friends that are all "macho" and that i'm being a "pussy" about things though. But in general, I'm not shy to tell people that I deal with a Social Anxiety.

Anyone else do the same thing?


Well-known member
Yes. I havelied to get out of social events. I have my core group (5 people) that I can be honest with and know they'll understand... everyone else.... i lie to.


Well-known member
All of the time. And if people just accepted no for an answer, I wouldn't have to lie about it. I don't want to flipping go...


Well-known member
Ohh... but my whole point was that I don't lie.
I'll say "I don't feel like it because:" and give an actual reason.
I'm just not scared of saying things that make people feel awkward because it's the truth and maybe more information than they'd want- but it prevents them from questioning my reason. haha
^ Oh I see, lol. But still, they'd be great lies/excuses too, and thus you should still write a book. ::p:


Well-known member
I just did that this morning to get out of a non-work related function with people from work....my stupid compartmentalization again -.-


Well-known member
I try not to but I have lied to get out of having people come over on numerous occasions. They think Im getting better but I just dont know how to tell them Im getting worse again.


Active member
Just lied to a friend to get out of meeting her. Haven't done it in a while, but I just don't want to leave the house today...


Well-known member
I unfortunately do this quite a bit -.-. But i just dont see any other way to do so without further questions being asked, which just makes things more awkward.


Well-known member
I used to do this all the time, eventually everyone just stopped asking me to do anything and I was left totally on my own for a few years.We all have our reasons for it, but eventually your friends are just going to feel rejected or hurt by you and give up completely.

It took longer to get out of the situation that it put me in than it did to get in to it.
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Active member
I don't lie about it often. Probably because everyone I know knows that I'm not doing anything and they know about my SA. They may not believe it, but they know I'm reluctant to do anything too social.

The only way I can really lie about something is saying I'm sick or something. Then I feel bad when they say they hope I feel better or something along those lines.


Well-known member
Just about every time I've been invited to social events.

One of the only things I like about my schedule, doing classes and two part-time jobs. "I'm just really busy..."

I end up making some room for free time, but hell, why would I use any of it to socialize? I'm so tired, I'd rather just do solitary activities. I've got a backlog of video games, anime, novels, etc... to finish up. Heh.