Have u been diagnosed with Social Anxiety


Active member
Has anyone been officially diagnosed or treated with social anxiety and if so what treatment did you receive? Don't know whether to approach the subject with my doctor.


No. Self-diagnosis. But I scored 68 (mild)on Leibowitz Scale which is pretty much what a doctor would use, no?


I went to a clinical psychologist. Told him I felt anxious in certain situations and we roleplayed them. He gave me some breathing exercises to do and heaps of CBT too. It helped a lot but ideally I would like to see a counsellor once a week for the rest of my life. Just to keep me on track as a kind of personal mentor/coach.


Well-known member
I was. I had never even heard of it before until the doctor told me about it. He stuck me on pills that made everything 10 times worse. He didn't help much at all, but at least I knew what it was and could then go research.


Well-known member
I knew what I had before I ever went to a doctor. But he confirmed it, diagnosed me with social anxiety disorder and depression.


Staff member
Yes by a consultant psychiatrist, he also diagnosed me with pure OCD and PTSD.

This was 10 years ago and I'm confident in his diagnosis.

I was put on different meds which did not work then different therapies which eventually did.


Active member
Okay thanks. It was a self diagnosis for me too. I was seeing a counsellor for bullying and depression. I told her about it and she was very dismissive of me giving myself a label. i figured the doctor would also adopt the same attitude.
Nope. Putting a label on a set of symptoms that I know I have doesn't seem to be worth the time or effort. Psychiatric disorders aren't like physical medical problems, which can generally be fixed as soon as you know what the problem is. In psychiatry, they treat the symptoms themselves, because the underlying cause is almost always unknown. A doctor telling me I have SAD wouldn't be particularly useful for me or the doctor in actually working toward a "cure".

At least that's roughly how it was explained last time I took a psych class.
I did try to get diagnosed. This is when I had terrible depression. Doctor told me to join a club and get over it. I told her to go f' herself and she sent me to a 'specialist'. The specialist made fun of me and threw some ADHD around at me like it was candy. Refused to give me any help for my depression and my anxiety.
End of story and now I'm working on my way into the psychology field so I can teach doctors how to actually deal with mental illness. In the end I'd rather diagnose myself because I know myself better than anybody else.

Many therapist or ''doctors are actually narcissists or sociopaths/psychopaths. There are signs to look for...............


Well-known member
I did try to get diagnosed. This is when I had terrible depression. Doctor told me to join a club and get over it. I told her to go f' herself and she sent me to a 'specialist'. The specialist made fun of me and threw some ADHD around at me like it was candy. Refused to give me any help for my depression and my anxiety.
End of story and now I'm working on my way into the psychology field so I can teach doctors how to actually deal with mental illness. In the end I'd rather diagnose myself because I know myself better than anybody else.
I'm sorry about that. Some doctors are just idiots.

But, same as you, I'm in the Psychology field to diagnose myself. I haven't been officially been diagnosed with it, but I've got some signs of it.


Well-known member
I did try to get diagnosed. This is when I had terrible depression. Doctor told me to join a club and get over it. I told her to go f' herself and she sent me to a 'specialist'. The specialist made fun of me and threw some ADHD around at me like it was candy. Refused to give me any help for my depression and my anxiety.
End of story and now I'm working on my way into the psychology field so I can teach doctors how to actually deal with mental illness. In the end I'd rather diagnose myself because I know myself better than anybody else.

Good luck in your path in psychology and hope you help many.

I agree, the narcissistic doctors really should know better than to just tell you to pull your socks up, we all know its not as simple as that, they should know it from first year psychology...that depression isn't so simple.


Well-known member
you depressing sacks of.... uh nice people, too too nice sometimes I feel. Latly I've wondered if maybe perhaps things arent complicated we just make them complicated in our minds.

Sorry if this seems like a rant, I just had some rich thoughtsI ntice we find excuses to kick our selves dow, unto what?? the assurance that for the rest of your life here on Earth. [OR DO WE feel live forwever in spirit, energy never dies, but I also wonder deep into the night if once the curtains go down there is nothing but complete darkness and you are no more, just inanimate matter] ON EARTH doomed to be prisoners to negative wiering in the brain, I believe all we need is to toughen up, I know it may be difficult but its not impossible. Of course these is just MHO.

Latly I just want to go back to being Diagnosed again, I just feel no intrest in talking to people but I'm starting to realize my childhood was harsh enough to mold me shyest boy yet, and still lonely, I just want one companion a woman, a nice one like me lol. I dont know if sexual or girlfriend, or if I could even handle either EVER!

I'm glad I look super young, but theres a part of me that is super confused, I feel I should have made a new post, I recall Pshycologists that I got ADD, so I can't pay much attention for long, so I need some job where I just do fast work without needing to concentrate.

Tho I just Also wonderr if I should try meds so I want to get reanalysed soon, cuz no matter how positive I want and try to think, I feel deep dooming thoughts, and they frighten me, as if some evil in me wants to destry me, even tho I know whats going on, this deep seated thoughts need to be adressed or I feel I will either lose my mind or I will just be sad nd alone.

I try hard to just get back to Having p[ositive energy, think positive thoughts those are the only ones that matter, watch something funny and stop taking everything so personally, life is too short.

I feel I havent Lived life and LIFE will soon leave me, am I better off alone, cuz thats abit too sad to keep living.

Any thoughts on this? have you been there?

I havent posted in a millenia so hi Everyone lol.

I'm not the most social, and for some reason I love being by myself, but I know I need more.


Well-known member
I went to my doctor after I began becoming very depressed from my SA. I was given an anti-depressant/anxiety reliever, and I was advised to take on counseling at my school. I will say that the meds stopped me from being sad/stressed out all the time, and I am still working with counseling on some things. I still get nervous around people, but not as much anymore :)