I brought it up to my doctor when I was 18 or 19. I was diagnosed and put on paxil. It stopped most of the anxiety attacks. I still had a lot of negative thoughts. I eventually got off the paxil. Once I got through the withdrawl symptoms, I became the same as I was while on it. I'm still overall anxious. I can function in society. I can see help when I need it. I still tend to be socially isolated. I think its my body language. I'm not open and friendly. People read that and struggle to express an open and friendly body language with me and it is a circular feed.
I tried to force myself to ignore my anxiety in my early twenties. I'd have a list of questions and was constantly asking for people's phone number and calling them, sending them friendship cards on holidays. I jumped from one extreme to another. A lot of people eventually had to confront me and tell me I was making them uncomfortable. Some even told me to leave them alone.
I feel like everyone has this internal sense of how to be socially appropriate and my sense is oversensitive. Just confronting it hasn't seemed to be enough.
I've read "How to win friends and influence people" and I just feel so discouraged. I can't be like that. Its exhausting.