Habits you need to change


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What are some habits that you have to change?

I personally spend too much time in front of a computer, at school, at work, at home. I'm the type who can spend easily 16 hours in front of a computer without it be related to school or work.

So since March 31 I imposed some rules to myself. A maximum of 5 hours a day on the computer if I don't go to school or do school project or work. If I work or go to school than I can only stay for 3 hours ( depends of the amount of time I spend working or doing school work.

It's ultra hard and kinda boring but i'm gonna try my best to survive the whole month of April


Well-known member
number one habit to change: stop letting my inner voice abuse me and tell me i'm less than what i am. i wouldn't take that crap from anyone else so i shouldn't take it from myself either.


Well-known member
Hmm and what will you do with the extra time you get from this?
I too spend a lot of time in front of the PC and I've tried cutting the hours but that didn't made me get out more,it got more depressed because in the extra time that i got i was thinking about my life and my life sucks so....you get the idea.


Well-known member
1) I'm always late for things.
2) I pick my teeth -- not always in private. haha

I can change that much to start, I think. :rolleyes:


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- Not look down on myself
- Think more positive, I consider myself a pessimist since I always assume the worst of any kind of situation...


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I need to stop checking facebook like 50 times a day. It always gets me depressed but I can't stop checking!!

And I need to stop having pity parties.


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Being so guarded, I mean.. even if I can't eliminate my anxiety completely, I can work on being more approachable/friendly. I think the way I am sometimes gets easily confused for aloofness.. and while it couldn't be further from the truth I maybe need to take some responsibility.

Don't leave till tomorrow what can be done today, wise saying and something I fall into the trap of doing.

Stop taking my time as an abundant luxury, give myself more structure and do more constructive things if I wish to move forward.

Stop letting my negative thought patterns drive the way I lead my life. Hard one, don't even realize I'm doing it half the time, but I'm constantly jumping to negative conclusions ect

and smoking :D for obvious reasons.


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I need to control my anger and to gain some motivation. Being lazy 24/7 isn't going to get me very far.


Well-known member
Hmm and what will you do with the extra time you get from this?
I too spend a lot of time in front of the PC and I've tried cutting the hours but that didn't made me get out more,it got more depressed because in the extra time that i got i was thinking about my life and my life sucks so....you get the idea.

I know what you mean, that's why I said it's hard and boring. It's just that I'm injured because I spend too much time in front of the computer. My body will never heal the way I live right now so I got to make sacrifices. I have neck, lower back, and wrist problem for a while now and I'm only 25. Plus I been feeling out of shape for more than a year, moving around doing nothing beats spending 16 hours in front of a computer.


Well-known member
Stop picking my nose. I hate that, always in trouble where I should spread the mucus in class, you know I cant put it back in :p

deleted #89

I try to cut back on online surfing/movies. Its frigging hard to let it go.....

One more thing I cut back on is PORN. I didn't even know that I was addicted...its just something I did to cut loose just like someone would light a cigarette to relax. Its nothing to be ashamed off ...lets face it 80% of people do it and people with SAD are much more prone to use it. Its been a month now since I stopped and I seriously see lots of differences in me. More energy, more talkative, less scared and wanting to connect more with people etc... Read this article: Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence worse? | Your Brain On Porn
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