A worker takes an extended tropical holiday in company time
A worker takes an extended tropical holiday in company time
...or older could mean...older, so maybe Jason and the Argonauts?
bumping this up for a response...?
School teacher leads a group on a countryside tour of France
No, hint; it has 3 words
...and on the way they find Mal from Firefly
An ugly former child star takes care of her invalid sister.
(this game is kind of hard, and not just to guess)
A guy sleeps in his bathtub with his dog, only venturing out of the house during the day to a big city void of people.
yes indeedSaving Private Ryan.
Oops! Sorry, Kihira. You have the right decade, but the wrong millennium.
Perhaps if you ask a Mockingbird, a Finch will give you a clue.
A little girl with a spine condition and her mother find religion when forced to seek alternative means of treatment.
Lost botanist gets on the wrong side of the local immigration department
A little girl with a spine condition and her mother find religion when forced to seek alternative means of treatment.
Green card?