Give the worst possible description of a movie!


Well-known member
"An ex-soldier follows a thin red line to return his gifts"
Some Came Running??
Frankly, that's not the answer, but don't let it get you down.

alright, gray, you've got to help out those without the encyclopedic knowledge of movies. maybe give us the era that each came out?
Two are from the sixties, one from the eighties, and one from the thirties. All are period pieces (i.e., the action takes place at least a few decades before the film was made). All are in color. None are obscure.

[edit]: is one of the killers lee van cleef?

"Two killers watch their watches to pasta time"
The American?
Sorry. See above.
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to swn: ooh, good guess... "the east" was the most recent, so it was what popped into my head. (though i haven't seen it)

to gray: jesus, man! ummm.... "a ticklish affair"? "elmer gantry"? "two rode together"? i don't know of many of her movies and i've seen even fewer.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Sounds like Fight Club to me lol.
I thought it was Chicken Run. :idontknow:



Well-known member
"the music man"? "the courtship of eddie's father"? (which clue am i even working on? the four men, or the ex-soldier?)

Now you're just guessing, but yes, it was The Music Man. :perfect:

The four men who hate each other are the members of the school board, who are tricked into forming a barbershop quartet.
never seen it before, so of course i'm guessing.... now, for the ex-soldier following a red line to return his gifts... color film, made in the 30s, but story takes place before that.