Getting rejected on Facebook


Well-known member
I made a Facebook page only recently to get in touch with my extended family who live far away and I haven't talked to in like 10 years. Of course, once I was on there, I added people from my work too. I don't get on much, and rarely post anything. I mostly private message my family and keep an eye on what my kids are doing on their Facebook pages. Well, the other night at work one of the guys I work with says, " You're a Facebook lurker. You never post anything, you just read what everyone else is doing. You're like a stalker." All the people who heard where giggling. Even though I tried to explain, it sounded lame and I just had to pretend like I didn't care. I hope when I finish school and get a real job, I won't have to work with such immature jerks. So I guess you could say Facebook rejected me in real life.

Yeh that would really bother me as well..
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Active member
i find alot of older people do this, they gossip and get kicks out it, i'd much rather sit down and talk about something in the news or scientific or a movie, i just don't like people judging and bringing people down behind their back ...

Yeah. Gossip makes me uncomfortable too. How would most of the gossipers like it if they knew people talked crap about them? You know though, when people gossip, it's usually what they feel about themselves. I found this to be true a few times.


Well-known member
Yeah, I have 98 friends on Facebook. I know them from high school, but only talk to maybe six in real life. The thought of adding people scares me because I never felt like people would want to talk to me because I am shy. It sucks because I will always be remembered from high school as the "shy girl." It's just easier to let people add me and not get my hopes up.


Active member
I don't want to seem like a cold bitch but if someone friends me and it's someone I have not seen since high school (and we weren't friends) or it's someone i barely spoke to in h.s. then I reject him/her. I had a person from junior high school who used to bully me all the time friend me. Can you believe that? I was thinking, like, 'wtf? are you kidding me?' Don't get me wrong. i don't believe in holding grudges but to think someone i wasn't even remotely friendly with in junior h.s. decides to look me up on facebook and friend me! Really! of course i didn't friend him back. Then there's one of my brother's friends i used to be on good terms with. Nothing changed between us except he stopped coming around our house and i haven't seen him since i was junior h.s. One day he friends me and if it weren't for his name beside his picture i wouldn't have even known who he was (he looks so different, after all). I didn't friend him back cause i thought too much time had passed since i was friends with him. it's been years since i last spoke to him.
I know... I know... it's common, or so I'm told. Don't you ever wonder why, though? Like, it just happened yesterday, I could have sworn that person liked me. They have just about everybody else on their list from the class I knew them from. I hate that.

I guess I have to accept they didn't like me as much as I thought or pretended to.

facebook is really personal. i would add only my acquaintances. it's like a step up from myspace where you wuold add people you knew from kindergarten etc. that doesnt matter to me....but then i'm not socially graceful. if it were an acquiantance i would think they would just add me for numbers


Well-known member
I deleted my Facebook for no reason. But I did get that occasionally when someone declined it.


Well-known member
Facebook rocks. I can't live without it.

Facebook allows you to find out if a potential date is single or in a relationship. Facebook allows you to find out what your work mates are up to outside of work, so give something to talk about when you see them at work. Facebook is filled with inspirational quotes and videos if you add the right people and/or "like" the right page.

I get the odd person who doesn't accept me when I add them as friends, but those cases are few and far between. I figure, stuff it, because it won't affect life outside of facebook anyway. Most people are readily willing to accept me as a friend, even if I don't know them personally.
Woah, e-rejections and people getting e-motional :D. Fun!

That's why I don't have a facebook :p... I have a hard enough time getting rejected in real life :D


Well-known member
I joined Facebook for the first time a few months ago - and subsequently deactivated my account within weeks, for 2 main reasons; Was embarrassed at how small my friends list was compared to others (though this still didn't stop me from rejecting a few requests!), and fed-up with people who I barely know (or not at all in some cases) wanting me to add them as a friend.


Well-known member
I prefer to get friend requests rather than send them, because I worry the person won't welcome my request. But sometimes I'll send a request if someone posts on a group "please add me" - then I'm more confident they won't reject me. But one time I sent a request to someone who was member of a group called "I love getting friend requests" and she rejected me. That really ticked me off.
I find it so rude when someone responds to a friend request with: "Do I know you?" or "Have we met?"
My sister thinks one should only be fb friends with people you know in real life, but I've gotten to know some very interesting people from all over the world through facebook and I love it. I've even come to know some people who live in the same town as me - but I'm terrified they might one day want to meet me in person.I've connected to a whole network of animal rights activists worldwide, which is a dream come true for me. I am so pathetic though - I keep a list of all my facebook friends so that when my number of friends suddenly goes down, I can go through the list and see exactly who is no longer there. I'm trying to stop this ridiculous behavior. Most of the times when I thought I had been defriended, it has turned out that the person's account was deleted by facebook for breaking the rules, or they deleted their own account because they got fed up with facebook, or they got upset by something someone else did to them.I'm trying to learn to not take it personally when someone disappears from my friend list. What annoys me most of all though, is the fb friends who post whiney complaints about their friends never commenting on anything on their profile. They usually say something like "why did you add me then, if you're not going to comment on any of my posts?" One guy said "at least click "like" on a few things, just to let me know you're paying attention." The ironic thing is that these people hardly ever make comments on anyone else's posts!
I sent a request to a relative who I haven't seen since we were both kids, and he didn't accept - he didn't reject but he just left it pending for ages. I know he must have seen it because he did respond to a message I sent him, and he was helpful with providing an uncle's email address, but obviously he didn't want to be friends, so eventually I did him a favor and canceled the request.
It says in the info section on facebook that they will never notify a person when a request of theirs has been rejected.Obviously they'll know though, if they remember sending the request and it never gets accepted.


Lol, I don't understand it, either. Well, I do when it comes to strangers, but by people you knew well from school? Naw.

I added this one girl who I was close friends with in school, and she denied it. Had about 24 friends in common, tho--which mainly consisted of my other fellow classmates. You just tend to not care after awhile.


New member
talking about facebook. One of my cousins, I sorta liked, rejected me on facebook. It was outta nowhere and hurt more then I expected it too. I'm tired of being sensitive, beat me up!