Gamers thread


Well-known member
i'd rather get banned than play like i was looking through a pair of binoculars , sometime i wonder if developers even try their own games , anyways i just finished it and i wasn't impressed at all , it all started good , but it became way too repetitive , go to point A to point B , do it again , again . Same thing with borderlands but somehow it just felt better to me .

Anyways the resort part was pretty nice , i'm sure it could be fun in coop mode , it was fun to drive the vehicles and smash into those zombies .

I guess i just expect too much , only few game companies are up to my expectations .


Well-known member
Anyways the resort part was pretty nice , i'm sure it could be fun in coop mode , it was fun to drive the vehicles and smash into those zombies .

I guess i just expect too much , only few game companies are up to my expectations .

I've read several reviews and watched 2 full playthroughs--- the game was definitely made for 4p co-op.

As far as zombie games go-- they're all the same, basically.
Just because you change the setting, doesn't mean it's a fresh new take. haha
I'd liked to have seen more character development in the single player campaign; maybe character creation, even - something so that you care more about the person you are playing as.


Well-known member
They did a really bad job at porting the game , maybe it's better on consoles . Games like left 4 dead , i can't even think about a single bad thing , its a perfect fun , hilarious coop zombie killing game , i expected more from dead island , it just didn't feel right , felt clunky and awkward , so many things i would fix .

I'm sure it could be fun doing it coop on console


Well-known member
They did a really bad job at porting the game , maybe it's better on consoles . Games like left 4 dead , i can't even think about a single bad thing , its a perfect fun , hilarious coop zombie killing game , i expected more from dead island , it just didn't feel right , felt clunky and awkward , so many things i would fix .

I'm sure it could be fun doing it coop on console

iirc, console version received worse ratings than the PC -- not sure as to why..


Well-known member
I think it has even more graphical glitches on consoles , the graphics were not my biggest concerns , they were very gorgeous at times , and sometime it just felt like the game wasn't finished (especially indoors)


Well-known member
Replaying the entire silent hill series because all my money goes towards school and staying alive (damn you, food and water!).

Really want to play the new Deus Ex ::(:


Well-known member
I have always been a big pc player since wolfenstein 3D , i played them all , and there are some companies out there that knows what they are doing , graphics/art , gameplay mechanics , atmosphere , it's all there and beautifully done . Yes i'm pointing at you Id software.

It's really difficult for me to enjoy a game when even picking up items feels wrong , and especially when the character controls feels unresponsive and delayed. Jaggies and screen tearing , flickering shadows , all those things should be a priority to me .

Even with all those issues , Dead island got me hooked at first , it could definitively have been a much better game.


Well-known member
Link has always been my true hero ! ahh the nostalgia ..



Well-known member
I have always been a big pc player since wolfenstein 3D , i played them all , and there are some companies out there that knows what they are doing , graphics/art , gameplay mechanics , atmosphere , it's all there and beautifully done . Yes i'm pointing at you Id software.

It's really difficult for me to enjoy a game when even picking up items feels wrong , and especially when the character controls feels unresponsive and delayed. Jaggies and screen tearing , flickering shadows , all those things should be a priority to me .

Even with all those issues , Dead island got me hooked at first , it could definitively have been a much better game.

definitely picked up those vibes instantly from Dead Island. It's not a bad game (quite a good game I think), it could of just done much better with the concept and general polishing of mechanics.


Well-known member
Well, BoF IV is the only one I've been able to get my hands on and I LOVE it!
The art, the graphics, the story, the characters; all so interesting and beautiful.



Well-known member
Breath of Fire? Never heard of it but the art you posted looks pretty cool!
I am so ready for Skyward sword though o_o


Well-known member
So I turn on my 360 intent on watching the latest episode of Dr Who on zune, and immediately get an invite to play dead island from my brother, so I go in his game, and there's a third person there. I don't know if my brother knows him or he's just some stranger. We played for a few minutes and then my brother had to leave the game so it's just me and this stranger. My brother the host had left so neither of us could select quests now. The other guy says he'll host so he sends me a friend request and then another invite, at which time I do what any social phobic person would do... turn off my 360 and walk away. I hope this guy doesn't complain to my brother about how I'm a weirdo or whatever.
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