Watching next gen console events this week on YouTube has me itching to get back to playing more of my Xbox games.
I definitely won't be purchasing a new console this year, but admittedly with COVID I am surprised they are releasing this holiday season. I was expecting a year delay for sure. Now as a gamer I'm not a major fangirl of one particular console and think the other sucks. I hate those arguments really and think either console has its pros and cons. If and when I do purchase next gen, which won't be for at least a year, since I'm still very much enjoying my Xbox One and Switch (and Switch is going to stay relevant for a while, even into next gen imo), I'll definitely be purchasing a PS5. I haven't owned one since 2, so I'm way overdue to give it a chance again, and I'm eager to play their exclusives.
I know for sure whenever I get one I'll definitely be investing into the God of War games.

Never played them but did watch an entire playthrough series on YouTube a couple years back when GoW released on the PS4 and I was just blown away by the story, the cinematics, and of course the gameplay. The work they put into that game was
really good! I'm excited for the sequel to be released in 2021, but if it gets pushed back I won't mind. Take your time to make a great game even better. I'll most likely be watching the gameplay before actually playing.